You ask if he has read the quran as if the the quran would teach you all you need to know about islam. The quran is only the start. To trully understand islam you must start with the quran then go on to the sunna. The sunna is made of two text. The sira and the hadith. The quran repeatedlysays that all should imitate mohammed in evry can you compare the two 'religions' and not compare jesus and mohammed. Without reading the sunna you can not possibly understand islam nor mohammed.
1. The Qu'ran states that followers should obey Allah and his Messengers (the Messengers include Jesus, Moses, Noah, Mohammed, etc.) Find a verse in which Muslims are instructed to imitate Mohammed. Further, the use of "We" in the Qu'ran is in reference to God and God's angels. Hence verses of the type, "We destroyed Sodom" or "We caused Lot's wife to be turned into a pillar of salt".
2. Hadiths are disputed among Muslims, so disputed, in fact, that different sects have different Hadiths. These are certainly fundamental to understanding the differences between Sunni and Shia.
3. Many would argue that one cannot understand Christianity without understanding Judaism and the Old Testament; yet, the Old Testament is an incredibly vengeful and violent compilation. Moreover, Jesus celebrates the Passover (i.e., God's slaughter of infants), and Jesus instructs his followers to, "Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect". Of course, the "heavenly Father" has quite a brutal biography, does he not?
You are correct, though, Jesus turned the other cheek and gave himself up to be Crucified. Did Christians, for the most part, follow the example of accepting and dying horrible deaths instead of killing others? No; which is why Ghandi famously remarks, "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ." I would counter that, since Christ is supposed to be God, that Christ himself is responsible for commanding the Jews to slaughter women and children.