Look, homies, it:s going to be months before we have any actual game results to analyse. Until then, we can talk about how vivacious the new coach is, her wardrobe, which actresses she resembles, how she throws a baseball, her singing voice, her hairstyle, or any number of things.
We can also discuss roster management, high school recruiting, portal additions, transfers, staff changes, and other personnel matters. We can also talk about NIL impact.
Gamewise, we can discuss how various players might be used. There's a lot of additional things to discuss given the different approach in philosophy and strategy.
Discussing any of these latter things realistically...which, not coincidentally, seems to be what our new coach advises...is what fans are supposed to do.
I tend to ignore invitations to leave from members who recently found it necessary to delete an entire page of comments and issue public apologies for insults made while drunkposting. I wouldn't want them to leave since the entertainment value is high.
At any rate, I'd think Kim appreciates the interest in actual basketball matters and would much prefer that along with the mundane grind of recruiting and adjusting to new players, staff, support personnel, and routines to doing the obligatory interviews, public appearances, donor dinners, etc.