why save it? Seems the personal responsibility idea fits well here
yes but it has nothing to do with this unless your automatically assume full employment for the population. And I think you're mixing it with natural to make the point (it's been a while and you have the books in front of you)
It's been a while since I've taken econ courses :lol:
Milton Friedman put forward the idea that a rate of unemployment above full employment, where able-bodied workers are without jobs in frictional situations or due to classical unemployment must be maintained to curtail inflation. Basically, millions of people without jobs and millions more making too little to afford a decent standard of living is necessarily for the strength of the dollar.
are people allowed to starve to death in the streets after 5 years?
If you want to put it that way. I'm just telling you what the law is, and that is people are not allowed to receive cash assistance for more than five years in their lifetime. I can cite this any number of ways if you'd like.
People on TANF know this, they are taking in this income knowing full well that the "gravy train" isn't unlimited.
do people in MS have the info to tell them that the foods they choose to eat will make them fat? Do they have the common sense to know their 300lb mother and grandmother ate sweet tea, soda, fried and fast foods and that was the cause of their obesity and health problems?
It's a mix. In the OP, I mentioned the USA Today poll that said 89% of people said they had healthy diets.
As I said with the smoking stuff, this is clearly a case where the status quo needs to be smashed. Ideally, McDonald's, BK, KFC, Popeye's, Sonic, A&W, Chik-fil-A and the like would be losing a whole lot of business.
The market will not dismantle the way things are, it will only perpetuate it; people want what they've always had and what their mother and grandmother had, and if that's what they want then that's what the market will deliver.
being able to take the info and willingly change their lifestyle is the difference. Call it what you want but it all boils down to individual choices
It does. I've maintained that and said it multiple times this whole thread. I mentioned that people in Europe are far healthier than we are and make better day to day health and diet decisions than we do.
Does that mean Europeans are on the whole smarter and more responsible than Americans are? I hope not!
I don't know about states out that way or if it was federal, but here, if there's a restaurant with more than 15 locations (IIRC) then that restaurant is legally obligated to provide a nutrition label for everything they serve and make it plain at the point of sale, and to put the number of calories on the menu directly next to that item. The result? So far, fast food and places like Chipotle are having decreased sales, while revenues at local groceries are up, and it will start paying dividends in health soon.