
(GAVol @ Apr 14 said:
I like soccer, it's just the smugness of some of the fans that drives me crazy.

And soccer isn't communist, it's socialist. :D

I hope not to come across like that. My parents exposed me to every sport Knoxville offered and just let me choose which I enjoyed more. There are so many options for sports so if you don't like it, just don't watch. I feel the same way about other sports but I just don't concern myself with them.

As for socialist, I don't know if I can argue. Hmmm, I'll get back to you... :p
(utvolpj @ Apr 14 said:
I hope not to come across like that. My parents exposed me to every sport Knoxville offered and just let me choose which I enjoyed more. There are so many options for sports so if you don't like it, just don't watch. I feel the same way about other sports but I just don't concern myself with them.

I wasn't directing that at you at all. I have known people personally who acted a little superior because they considered football barbaric and soccer somehow the sport for the "smarter" people.
(GAVol @ Apr 14 said:
I wasn't directing that at you at all. I have known people personally who acted a little superior because they considered football barbaric and soccer somehow the sport for the "smarter" people.

I don't like those type either. But comparing soccer and fball is like comparing Nascar with bumper boats. Two different types of games but the basic skills cross over.
(tidwell @ Apr 14 said:
Soccer represents all that is wrong with the world.

Thanks for your closed-minded response.

I can see how countries, no matter their politics, coming together to compete for something bigger is wrong :crazy: . Then after the game they shake hands and swap jerseys to commemorate the event. Amazing I never saw it like that before :wacko:
I'm just kidding around... but have you saw any of that stuff that goes on in European and South American countries over soccer? Riots, flares thrown on the field, fans and PLAYERS murdered if they do something wrong, and chaos in general. Crazy stuff man.
Besides, that's why my ancestors came to my America, to escape religious persecution, and soccer.
(tidwell @ Apr 14 said:
I'm just kidding around... but have you saw any of that stuff that goes on in European and South American countries over soccer? Riots, flares thrown on the field, fans and PLAYERS murdered if they do something wrong, and chaos in general. Crazy stuff man.

As opposed to the riots with burning cars in college towns in the US?

It's the players, not the fans, that make a sport what it is. The frustration with the crazy is fans is that they get too wrapped up in things they can't control.
Nothing that happens here is as extreme as those wackos. It's cool that they love that silly sport, but much like Logan Young with Alabama football, you can love something too much...
(tidwell @ Apr 14 said:
Nothing that happens here is as extreme as those wackos. It's cool that they love that silly sport, but much like Logan Young with Alabama football, you can love something too much...

You say silly sport with a Nascar banner in your sig? OK...

It may be silly, but you'll have a harder time convincing the millions of people that watch NASCAR in this country that it's silly than you would convincing the 11 or 12 people that watch soccer that soccer is silly. :D
(tidwell @ Apr 14 said:
It may be silly, but you'll have a harder time convincing the millions of people that watch NASCAR in this country that it's silly than you would convincing the 11 or 12 people that watch soccer that soccer is silly. :D

It's a dumbed-down Sunday drive. At least soccer players are accepted as athletes!
(tidwell @ Apr 14 said:
Soccer represents all that is wrong with the world.
:birgits_giggle: i was kidding by the way, i hate soccer and i did infact NOT play soccer
(mattvols @ Apr 14 said:
soccer is a non-contact on grass version of hockey

You bag on something you don't understand. Soccer is about as non-contact as basketball.
(tidwell @ Apr 13 said:
I always liked to call them Lawn Fairies, but that'll work too.

grass fairies, lawn fairies, doesnt matter.

but i do take the time every now and then to remind a soccer player he has fairy feet. :D
(GAVol @ Apr 14 said:
I like soccer, it's just the smugness of some of the fans that drives me crazy.
Says the SEC football fan

(mattvols @ Apr 14 said:
soccer is a non-contact on grass version of hockey
I would beg to differ. Go get hit by a slide tackle and tell me how non-contact soccer is
(milohimself @ Apr 15 said:
Says the SEC football fan
Now that I think about it, soccer fan and Pac-10 fan suffer from very similar inferiority complexes. :D
haha only in America.

Although watching Pac-10 football is nice because you're also sure you're watching true amateur athletes. Now how would they classify the SEC and ACC... Semi-pro? :D
(mattvols @ Apr 14 said:
soccer is a non-contact on grass version of hockey
you would know since you play soccer. i am not sticking up for soccer i still hate it but i am still going to own mattvols
Soccer unconsciously rewards the outcast, which is why so many adults are fooled into thinking their kids love it. The truth is that most children don't love soccer; they simply hate the alternatives more. For 60 percent of the adolescents in any fourth grade classroom, sports are a humiliation waiting to happen.

Soccer, the one aerobic activity where nothingness is expected. A normal eleven-year-old can play an entire season without placing toe to sphere and nobody would even notice.

Soccer feels "fun" because it's not terrifying. An outcast can succeed simply by not failing, and public failure is every outcast's deepest fear.

The kind of person who truly loves the notion of sports doesn't want to watch a game that's designed for losers.

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