Social media and our children

I see kids outside all the time. Are they playing baseball or throwing rocks through windows like we did. No. But what makes our time outside so sacrosanct compared to what the kids do outside now?
Our entire neighborhood which is pretty big, one family makes their 3 boys go outside, the others if I didn’t see them get off the school bus I wouldn’t even know they lived there
He's 2, I can't find one light enough for him to use.

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Is it the cell phone and the increased communication between kids and parents or is the access to internet the phone provides? Or is it possibly that it is a display of wealth to others? Something else entirely???

Peer pressure and parents who give in because they would be seen as cheapskates, out of touch, or monster who don't love their kids.
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I have never understood the mindset of parents anymore that give kids of all ages phones. Your 6 year old doesn't need a damn phone. I ask anyone around me with kids, why does your 10 year old need a phone. Answer is always the same and it's lame. It's always "well I need to know when little Timmy gets home from school" We all made it just fine from school and never had a cell phone. Truth is most of these parents use them as babysitters and let their kids turn into zombies
Agreed. I personally believe giving young kids access to cell phones, iPads, etc. is what is causing more anxiety, depression and so on in kids these days. Allowing kids to have such devices opens them up to influence from basically the entire world and it’s overload before the kids have a chance to develop their own values. It used to be that kids mostly developed their values from their parents, other family members they would see and friends. Now they are far more influenced by strangers. And I don’t know if anyone has noticed but there’s tons of shows and advertising aimed at kids basically telling them they’re supposed to be depressed. It’s sickening.
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For example, it is good for your kids to accept that fair compensation for labor is not something which can be provided top down. It must be acquired by the laborer.

Those capable of contributing to society should have the burden to do so. Once they do work they deserve basic necessities in the form of health care, education as far as they desire, housing, etc. Why is this so difficult? We are one of if not the richest civilization in the history of humanity. This is a moral failing rather one necessitated out of fiscal restraints.

Even if you’re just collecting trash or babysitting, you are performing necessary work that will always be required. Don’t tell me they should just do that for a pittance until something better arrives. It’s mathematically impossible for everyone to advance out of that.
Those capable of contributing to society should have the burden to do so. Once they do work they deserve basic necessities in the form of health care, education as far as they desire, housing, etc. Why is this so difficult? We are one of if not the richest civilization in the history of humanity. This is a moral failing rather one necessitated out of fiscal restraints.

Even if you’re just collecting trash or babysitting, you are performing necessary work that will always be required. Don’t tell me they should just do that for a pittance until something better arrives. It’s mathematically impossible for everyone to advance out of that.
Do the math. Show your work. and then let's discuss further.
Those capable of contributing to society should have the burden to do so. Once they do work they deserve basic necessities in the form of health care, education as far as they desire, housing, etc. Why is this so difficult? We are one of if not the richest civilization in the history of humanity. This is a moral failing rather one necessitated out of fiscal restraints.

Even if you’re just collecting trash or babysitting, you are performing necessary work that will always be required. Don’t tell me they should just do that for a pittance until something better arrives. It’s mathematically impossible for everyone to advance out of that.
If you're truly contributing to society you should be able to provide those for yourself. School as long a you desire? Not everyone deserves a PhD

Who collects and doles out all this money in your utopia? Who decides what each societal contribution is worth? Is there a tiered system when providing housing? Surely cars are now a right so which brand do I get? Will it have seat warmers?
There is no way in heaven or hell you are going to keep your kids off social coming out of a pandemic. You have to educate them. That is a really tough situation rn, because parents don't understand what they are standing in yet.

My stepdaughter and her husband did. They gathered all the phones, code locked the laptop and locked away the other devices. After two weeks, the kids discovered something amazing. It's called outdoors. The dogs like it too.
Did you have the urgent code? We used to use "99" for urgent.

We used 911 for urgent...69 for booty calls...411 was whatyoudoin/where are you? And your best girl at the time, and parents had a special code to identify themselves if calling from somewhere besides home....

Those were the best days of my life...16 to 21yo with a Natty in jan99 when i was 21 years old.

If you lived it you know.

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Yessir. We did all of that...also playing whiffleball with a loaded bat and taped up ball, "smear the qu#%r" , bottle rocket wars with "guns" made of pvc pipe, etc etc. Priceless. My mom made us come home when the street lights came on...or she would ring the big bell on the back porch if we were late. Most fun we ever had in from parents til 9pm in the summertime.

Our moms knew we weren't riding our bikes around the block for hours. But if there were no broken bones, lacerations, or police calls then all was good.

Exactly....and if 1 of the neighbors caught us raising hades they would call your mom and tell her there was a "mom network" in place. Still got to stay out until dark every day unless we were grounded.

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