because the money in the SS trust fund isn't just disappearing with my scenario. its just getting distributed to privately ran 401k on some type of retirement plan. the distributions would be weighted to how long and how much you have been contributing, with some money still being set aside to the people who are earning already and haven't contributed and also those with in 15 years of retirement.
its a loss, because of the free loaders, but that was already a factor with SS. the difference is those accounts would start to grow, while SS just sits there and hemorrhages.
I have no way to calculate how the payments would compare for those right at the cusp. but I could easily see the distribution being weighted to ensure they get a set amount that would equal SS payments over some set amount of time (life expectancy +5). that would further take away from everyone else, but they would have time for the market to back fill that loss.
going forward your 6.2% (I think i falsely said 6.6% earlier) would go into your account. while your employers 6.2% contribution would go into a common pot that is distributed to the freeloader accounts.
I would also like to see some type of reclamation program on the freeloader accounts. if there is any money left in a freeloader account 2 years after their death, and any outstanding dues are paid, that money goes back into the common pot, and distributed again. can't be passed on to spouse or child. the normal accounts would be passable.