Socialism Fails Everytime ...

Oh but but but, we're so much smarter than them. Our brand of socialism is different. Everyone will thrive in our system.

It’s amazing to me that we blow off and ignore the ones that have lived through it when they tell us how good it starts out and how bad it always ends up . The same ones praising it as great ( celebs ) are the same one you hear everyday telling us to get out and vote Democrat . Hmmmmm 🤔
It’s amazing to me that we blow off and ignore the ones that have lived through it when they tell us how good it starts out and how bad it always ends up . The same ones praising it as great ( celebs ) are the same one you hear everyday telling us to get out and vote Democrat . Hmmmmm 🤔
Another interesting point is the more socialist we become as a country, our industry has moved out at a similar rate.
Oh but but but, we're so much smarter than them. Our brand of socialism is different. Everyone will thrive in our system.
I sure do hate to break it to you, but the United States economic system has always been a mixed economy that features characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. A mixed economic system protects private property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows for the government to intervene in economic activities in order to achieve social aims and for the public good.

The government of the United States has ALWAYS played some role in the economic affairs of the nation. The U.S. government controls or partially controls goods or services, such as education, courts, roads, hospital care and postal delivery. It also provides subsidies to agricultural producers (just as Trump has continued to do during his presidency), oil companies, financial companies and utility firms. Nearly every type of business and every form of economic exchange is affected by government policy in the United States including the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Labor.

The U.S, government also plays a role in the economy via financial policies that can influence inflation and business production. The Federal Reserve is charged with controlling monetary policy (which has to do with the quantity, velocity and availability of the circulating money supply), while Congress and the Executive branch handle fiscal policy (which focuses on raising government revenue or reducing government spending). Now, if you want to argue in favor of lower taxes, that's fine... but that doesn't change the fundamental system we are under - which is a mixed economy that features both capitalism and socialism.

Only a truly ignorant person, who doesn't understand that we are already (and have always been) a mixed economy would be this spooked by the word "socialism".
I sure do hate to break it to you, but the United States economic system has always been a mixed economy that features characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. A mixed economic system protects private property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows for the government to intervene in economic activities in order to achieve social aims and for the public good.

The government of the United States has ALWAYS played some role in the economic affairs of the nation. The U.S. government controls or partially controls goods or services, such as education, courts, roads, hospital care and postal delivery. It also provides subsidies to agricultural producers (just as Trump has continued to do during his presidency), oil companies, financial companies and utility firms. Nearly every type of business and every form of economic exchange is affected by government policy in the United States including the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Labor.

The U.S, government also plays a role in the economy via financial policies that can influence inflation and business production. The Federal Reserve is charged with controlling monetary policy (which has to do with the quantity, velocity and availability of the circulating money supply), while Congress and the Executive branch handle fiscal policy (which focuses on raising government revenue or reducing government spending). Now, if you want to argue in favor of lower taxes, that's fine... but that doesn't change the fundamental system we are under - which is a mixed economy that features both capitalism and socialism.

Only a truly ignorant person, who doesn't understand that we are already (and have always been) a mixed economy would be this spooked by the word "socialism".
We are not pure socialism. Nor are we mostly socialistic. Therein lies the difference. When you've got Kamala saying she wants to get rid of private insurance that's moving toward socialism. AOC wants pure socialism. That's why they will be rejected. They can't backpeddle fast enough.
We are not pure socialism. Nor are we mostly socialistic. Therein lies the difference. When you've got Kamala saying she wants to get rid of private insurance that's moving toward socialism. AOC wants pure socialism. That's why they will be rejected. They can't backpeddle fast enough.
It's close to an even split and has been for a long time.
I sure do hate to break it to you, but the United States economic system has always been a mixed economy that features characteristics of both capitalism and socialism. A mixed economic system protects private property and allows a level of economic freedom in the use of capital, but also allows for the government to intervene in economic activities in order to achieve social aims and for the public good.

The government of the United States has ALWAYS played some role in the economic affairs of the nation. The U.S. government controls or partially controls goods or services, such as education, courts, roads, hospital care and postal delivery. It also provides subsidies to agricultural producers (just as Trump has continued to do during his presidency), oil companies, financial companies and utility firms. Nearly every type of business and every form of economic exchange is affected by government policy in the United States including the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Labor.

The U.S, government also plays a role in the economy via financial policies that can influence inflation and business production. The Federal Reserve is charged with controlling monetary policy (which has to do with the quantity, velocity and availability of the circulating money supply), while Congress and the Executive branch handle fiscal policy (which focuses on raising government revenue or reducing government spending). Now, if you want to argue in favor of lower taxes, that's fine... but that doesn't change the fundamental system we are under - which is a mixed economy that features both capitalism and socialism.

Only a truly ignorant person, who doesn't understand that we are already (and have always been) a mixed economy would be this spooked by the word "socialism".

You had me right up until that last part . It sounded an awful lot like an argument a gun grabber would make saying we shouldn’t be spooked by us wanting to outlaw semi autos . I believe anytime the left starts loading up with socialist politicians everyone should be “ spooked “ socialism is a system that on the surface sounds good because gives away “ free” services or money and that’s always dangerous because we all know once you start going more and more that way it’s hard to stop until the money is gone .
You had me right up until that last part . It sounded an awful lot like an argument a gun grabber would make saying we shouldn’t be spooked by us wanting to outlaw semi autos . I believe anytime the left starts loading up with socialist politicians everyone should be “ spooked “ socialism is a system that on the surface sounds good because gives away “ free” services or money and that’s always dangerous because we all know once you start going more and more that way it’s hard to stop until the money is gone .
Trump is starting to use the word "socialism" as a trigger word to his base. I think most of the people who become upset or angry when they hear "socialism" either don't understand what it is or don't realize that we have always used significant features of it. And the most socialistic move any President has ever undertaken was the bailout during the 2008 financial crisis... and who was responsible for that ? George W. Bush - a Republican.
We are not pure socialism. Nor are we mostly socialistic. Therein lies the difference. When you've got Kamala saying she wants to get rid of private insurance that's moving toward socialism. AOC wants pure socialism. That's why they will be rejected. They can't backpeddle fast enough.
They try to justify their warped ideology Everytime. The only thing constant about socialism is it fails every time. It either goes one or two ways. It fails and collapses or it fails and goes to a dictatorship or communism.
Trump is starting to use the word "socialism" as a trigger word to his base. I think most of the people who become upset or angry when they hear "socialism" either don't understand what it is or don't realize that we have always used significant features of it. And the most socialistic move any President has ever undertaken was the bailout during the 2008 financial crisis... and who was responsible for that ? George W. Bush - a Republican.

I agree he is and will . I think it will be a major issue in 2020 because of Bernie , AOC being out in front with it and then you add Elizabeth Warren , Kamala Harris and Corey Booker signing into AOC green deal . That’s 3-4 presidential runners for 2020 shifting hard left .
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They try to justify their warped ideology Everytime. The only thing constant about socialism is it fails every time. It either goes one or two ways. It fails and collapses or it fails and goes to a dictatorship or communism.

“ When we hang the capitalist, they will sell us the rope we use...”
Joseph Stalin
They try to justify their warped ideology Everytime. The only thing constant about socialism is it fails every time. It either goes one or two ways. It fails and collapses or it fails and goes to a dictatorship or communism.
A purely capitalist economic system would also fail. We are a mix and always will be.
Trump is starting to use the word "socialism" as a trigger word to his base. I think most of the people who become upset or angry when they hear "socialism" either don't understand what it is or don't realize that we have always used significant features of it. And the most socialistic move any President has ever undertaken was the bailout during the 2008 financial crisis... and who was responsible for that ? George W. Bush - a Republican.
Of course they are, it's the new right wing buzz word. Just look at how it's thrown around on this board. It's almost as if the right wing puppet masters view the masses as gullible and ignorant......oh wait a minute.
They did it with the term liberal in the 80's. Once the negative stigma wore off, they had to come up with a new trigger word. "SOCIALISM" is the new trigger word. Just watch this board as a microcosm of how it plays out in Trumpland.
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We already have socialism in America. Pure capitalism will always end up like a game of Monopoly.
What kills me about these people who 'boo' the word "socialism" at Trump rallies, is that many of the older members of the crowd (especially in our poorest states such as West Virginia and Mississippi) could not survive without Social Security benefits. They simply don't understand what it is they are booing.

Trump benefits from an ignorant base. The worst features of capitalism (without controls) are much more likely to destroy the middle class, than the worst features of socialism.
What kills me about these people who 'boo' the word "socialism" at Trump rallies, is that many of the older members of the crowd (especially in our poorest states such as West Virginia and Mississippi) could not survive without Social Security benefits. They simply don't understand what it is they are booing. Trump benefits from an ignorant base.
….and that condescending attitude from your side will help motivate us deplorables to come out in record numbers once more. Thanks.

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