wrong. Dr Enuf is decades older than Jolt, and it is the best carbonated beverage ever created. Sunkist from a bottle is second. There are no others.
volfanbill is a Tri-cities boy.
Everyone knows it's all called "Coke". Duh.
Man, I loved me some surge. Btw, it's not called "pop". Dang northerners and their english issues. They also say "bolth" and "melk". Yuck
I've never had Mexican Coca Cola.
Yessir! Since I may find one Sunkist a year in a bottle, Dr Enuf is the only carbonated beverage I enjoy. Just returned from 16 days of leave back in the Tri and I brought back 80 of the 10 oz Dr Enuf bottles. A lot of people in my unit wanted to try it so I've given some away, but the rest are for me! I also inadvertently got my XO hooked on them. But he can buy them at Cracker Barrel. He's a rich CPT and all...