Nice eyes, Where's Waldo. That IS me! Two buddies and I are getting our picture taken. And, yes, that's the new lucky orange bandana. She'll be worn until she does me wrong.
Nice eyes, Where's Waldo. That IS me! Two buddies and I are getting our picture taken. And, yes, that's the new lucky orange bandana. She'll be worn until she does me wrong.
Nice eyes, Where's Waldo. That IS me! Two buddies and I are getting our picture taken. And, yes, that's the new lucky orange bandana. She'll be worn until she does me wrong.
Nice eyes, Where's Waldo. That IS me! Two buddies and I are getting our picture taken. And, yes, that's the new lucky orange bandana. She'll be worn until she does me wrong.
he's a great photographer, he worked for the sentinel at one time not sure if he still does. He's been doing UT for years and did a book of all UT photos and rode with the team and in the locker room. Great book if you guys are interested in it Run Through The T
on the camera note he's easily using 10 grand or more in camera gear
he works for Phillip Fulmer....he's a freelancer, shoots alot for Sports Illus and such.
I think he shoot all Canons, he hand picked my Canon 10D out for me 3 years ago.