Someone break down to me this whole thing....



Senior Member
Mar 21, 2004
My friend told me today that their was possible trouble coming down......what the hell was he talking about?
Originally posted by U-T@Jan 9, 2005 12:41 AM
My friend told me today that their was possible trouble coming down......what the hell was he talking about?

Could be talking about a lot of things. Did he give you any hints.
2 Questions come to mind:

1) Is he a BAMA fan?


2) Has he been reading BAMA boards?
Here is something I found on one of the mean BAMA boards. Just something some guy posted on a Hurricane board (seems the Miami area has 3 5-star recruits and all of them favor TENN at this point).

Miami Canes Board
Trooper has nice some nice inroads with the relationship with Wright helping to push these kids to Tennessee. Morley is the real deal who is coming to UT and I think we get Phillips as well. Bottom line is the Canes are pissed and are yelling foul. I am hearing that it's all legit. This would be way too visible for anything funny imo.

Keep it up TT.

That's the only worthwhile part of the whole 'Canes board thread.
I read that link to the co-canes board and they ended up playing the race card on a Vol poster who just stated the truth. According to them we'll all treat them as 2nd class citizens and bully and intimidate them unless they're one of the top players. It could be possible that they are more delusional than Florida fans.
This is nothing more than whining and it has been investigated by UT and there is nothing to it.
Also being investigated by a FL newspaper who's editor is a UT alum. He said on another board that they've found nothing on UT at this point but are not finished investigating. While this sounds a little like a Lynn Lang deal, I'd be very shocked if it were. Phil is a man with strong ethics. After all the bammer turmoil there's no way he'd repeat the same thing bammer has done for the last 3 decades.
I read that Miami thread last night and came to the same basic conclusion as Volfreak. There is an underlying theme of the "U" being the greatest and the only way a local player wouldn't go there would have to involve nefarious activities.

You will notice they trash UT on 1) cheating, 2) thug like behavior and the standard hillbilly reference. Well, UM should look in the mirror on 1 and 2 for sure.

I hope there is nothing to it; I doubt there is. The reality is that we will be under intense scrutiny due to the ridiculous actions of Gallion. He is making his accusations so frequently without anyone challenging him that myth is becoming reality for many - I think Bhamvolfan can back me up on that one.

I think you are right on Miami fans acting as if their program is the greatest of all time. If I remember correctly, this is not the first time anybody's tried to throw the flag on Fulmer for recruiting violations. *cough*BAMA*cough* Florida's talent pool has to be the third largest in the country... Why complain when another university grabs a few of them?
Originally posted by volbrian@Jan 9, 2005 2:11 AM
Here is something I found on one of the mean BAMA boards. Just something some guy posted on a Hurricane board (seems the Miami area has 3 5-star recruits and all of them favor TENN at this point).

Miami Canes Board

Miami needs to come out of the trailor park and realize that they're program sucks now.....We've got recruits interested in us from South Florida and now we're cheating? HAHAHAHAHA....They need to suck it up and realize that not everyone down in South Florida is going to be interested in them....Oh well....It's too bad we don't have those buttheads on the schedule next year and we could shut them up...Oh well let them say what they want to....We will show everyone next year :)
Miami is still strong... Not so much this last year, but even as much as I hate them, I have to admit that their program is still a very strong one.
I'll admit they've got some great talent on their team....They showed what kind of talent they really have on that team in the Peach Bowl after dominating the gators but I guess Miami is one of those teams I just can't stand and I guess they feel the same way about us but oh well...Its too bad they aren't on our schedule next year though :(
Originally posted by milohimself@Jan 9, 2005 2:40 AM

That's the only worthwhile part of the whole 'Canes board thread.

HAHAHAHAHAHA....I agree......She gets two :thumbsup: thumbs up :thumbsup:
The guy on the other thread is a pot stirer. This is a joke and the guy has been investigated by the NCAA before and found to do nothing wrong.
I have to say that Miami fans are becoming pretty delusional, and I hope to God this "The U" thing crawls into a corner and dies pretty soon! I get the feeling that they will be called the University of ESPN at Miami sometime soon!

so i say f*** MIAMI!!
Seems like "the U" are sore losers when it comes to losing recruits especially to illeterate hillbillies. They think Fulmer is "stealing" their recruits? It is no secret Fulmer is a great recruiter. He has proved time and again he will go anywhere to get top notch talent (Hawaii,Cali,Oregon). Maybe those guys are wanting to come to UT because they will have a chance to play early. Just like Patrick Turner will probably go to UM because of the logjam at WR at UT but you don't see us whining about it. Just my :twocents:

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