Someone needs to get a screen capture of that look on Tyler's face

Werner is such a dirty player.

I'd love to see Childress or Tabb knock his teeth out like C.J. Watson.

and Tyler smith gets the technical too....

No he didn't. Both of benches got technicals (on the Assistant coaches). The double technicals offset each other.
That was Great! I told my wife "Man if looks could kill, that is one dead Gator!"
Also, did anyone see JaJaun grab CBP and drag him away from the ref's? That was also cool! Way to be a leader JaJaun! :rock::dance2:

Yeah, I was afraid that they would throw a technical on CBP. It was great how he just stepped in and took over.
Needless to say Tyler nor the Vols were intimidated by the O Dome.

It's good that we weren't, because if we had been we would have lost.

But after going to Xavier and Tiger High and winning, what's Gainesville?
I love the look on Dukes face. He was probably thinking "Man if it wasn't for me Tyler would of knocked the crap out of you."
I love the look on Dukes face. He was probably thinking "Man if it wasn't for me Tyler would of knocked the crap out of you."

Duke was funny during that whole thing. He was just laughing and smiling while keeping TS out of trouble
That was Great! I told my wife "Man if looks could kill, that is one dead Gator!"
Also, did anyone see JaJaun grab CBP and drag him away from the ref's? That was also cool! Way to be a leader JaJaun! :rock::dance2:

Quite possibly saved a tech foul at a very critical spot in the game!
He's the head manager for the team. And if you go back and look at the replay it was meant for them to bump in to each other. Brooks(the manager) was firing him up more. If you saw earlier in the game they were talking on the sidelines. Go back if you have a chance and read Brook's lips, he basically says something to the effect of "way to go" and somewhat bumps chests with him.

I sort of assumed he was a manager or something, and I kind of thought he might have been encouraging Smith like you are saying. All that aside, to me, it looks like Smith just blew him off and brushed him aside, quite literally. It was awkward, but I'm kind of amused by it.
Does someone have a video clip of what went down between Tyler and Werner? I missed it.
You should have heard those stupid Turd fans. "Throw Smith out, they have two more."

I said you just want him tossed cause he's killing you.:p

That's twice, we see them in the SECtourny, somebody gonna Jack him up.:popcorn:
I swear Donovan sends him in there to do that stuff!..Thats TWICE against Us!...He's gonna lose some teeth if he's not careful....Notice how hard Donovan was trying to get Tyler thrown out of the game???...He saw what was going on and probably told Werner to do thats tuff...If Werner gets thrown out, No big deal..Tyler gets thrown out then it is...I'm starting to believe Donovan is a dirty coach..I hate saying that too because I always respected him.
I swear Donovan sends him in there to do that stuff!..Thats TWICE against Us!...He's gonna lose some teeth if he's not careful....Notice how hard Donovan was trying to get Tyler thrown out of the game???...He saw what was going on and probably told Werner to do thats tuff...If Werner gets thrown out, No big deal..Tyler gets thrown out then it is...I'm starting to believe Donovan is a dirty coach..I hate saying that too because I always respected him.

He is not dirty, just opportunistic.:p He is a great coach, and he knew who stirred the drink for the Vols.

I think the Tyler stare may be better than Duke's stare down. Duke can get a similar look in his eyes but Tyler's is just a liitle more intense.
I think the Tyler stare may be better than Duke's stare down. Duke can get a similar look in his eyes but Tyler's is just a liitle more intense.

If it had been Duke instead of Tyler there literally would have been a mess on the floor to be cleaned up. Werner would have peed himself.

Duke is scary when he's mad. Scarier than I've seen Tyler.

Why is Dave Chappelle so pissed?
i must have missed this lastnight..did Werner do something before this with Tyler or what?
If it had been Duke instead of Tyler there literally would have been a mess on the floor to be cleaned up. Werner would have peed himself.

Duke is scary when he's mad. Scarier than I've seen Tyler.

Thats what I was thinking. During the Vandy game when that boy fell on Jajuan after the whistle Duke looked pissed. I told my friend that if he would have thrown on the Vandy player that brainiac would be dead.

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