Someone please explain



Jun 16, 2009
With all of this COVID stuff, one of the things I wish people would recognize is the inconsistent logic that is applied.

Well, I saw another example based on an article I saw today and it occurred to me.

It was quoting Orgeron who stated that most of his players had gotten COVID and I remembered what they were doing.

So, it begs the question. If the virus is so deadly and can cause long term damage, why on earth would lsu and Clemson (among others) put into practice a strategy where they wanted their players to catch the virus?

And why is no one appalled and enraged at what they are doing? Why aren’t families running to news networks going ballistic?

It makes no sense.
In the interview with Ed O he also said since most of his players have already had Covid they would not need to be tested for 90 days...
Said that would put them at season end before they were required to be tested again...
Sounds like a strategy move on their part....
With all of this COVID stuff, one of the things I wish people would recognize is the inconsistent logic that is applied.

Well, I saw another example based on an article I saw today and it occurred to me.

It was quoting Orgeron who stated that most of his players had gotten COVID and I remembered what they were doing.

So, it begs the question. If the virus is so deadly and can cause long term damage, why on earth would lsu and Clemson (among others) put into practice a strategy where they wanted their players to catch the virus?

And why is no one appalled and enraged at what they are doing? Why aren’t families running to news networks going ballistic?

It makes no sense.
Where was it ever said or alleged that LSU and Clemson had a strategy where they wanted players to get it?

I don't think anybody wants their players to get it. Coach O was just saying that most of his players had gotten it already.
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With all of this COVID stuff, one of the things I wish people would recognize is the inconsistent logic that is applied.

Well, I saw another example based on an article I saw today and it occurred to me.

It was quoting Orgeron who stated that most of his players had gotten COVID and I remembered what they were doing.

So, it begs the question. If the virus is so deadly and can cause long term damage, why on earth would lsu and Clemson (among others) put into practice a strategy where they wanted their players to catch the virus?

And why is no one appalled and enraged at what they are doing? Why aren’t families running to news networks going ballistic?

It makes no sense.
That Cajun is being cagey.

He has never actually said that he wanted the players to get the disease so they could get the immunity. He has never said that he or his staff did anything to encourage the spread.

I mean, we all kind of suspect he has done exactly that, with that precise goal in mind. Heck, if I were a coach and could get away with it, and my players agreed with me, I would probably do the same. Act like a 1960s neighborhood where one kid has the mumps, declare a sleepover at that kid's house until all the kids have it.

But he's never actually admitted anything. That's why no outrage. Can't pin it on him, copper, ya see?

With all of this COVID stuff, one of the things I wish people would recognize is the inconsistent logic that is applied.

Well, I saw another example based on an article I saw today and it occurred to me.

It was quoting Orgeron who stated that most of his players had gotten COVID and I remembered what they were doing.

So, it begs the question. If the virus is so deadly and can cause long term damage, why on earth would lsu and Clemson (among others) put into practice a strategy where they wanted their players to catch the virus?

And why is no one appalled and enraged at what they are doing? Why aren’t families running to news networks going ballistic?

It makes no sense.
Because it isn't.

I do not care for Fauci. But through this whole mess he's said one thing that is true. Back in February he contributed to a medical journal paper and stated that in the end Covid would have the impact of a bad flu season. Once you consider how deaths are counted compared to the flu and the mistakes and unknowns from early on... he's right. Since May, Covid has a less than 0.2% IFR. The VAST majority of people who get it have very, very mild symptoms. Many have symptoms so mild that they do not recognize they even have it. These football players are in far more danger riding in a car than they are of dying or having long term damage from Covid.

This is a virus that got ahead of us with old people. Even so... the average Covid related death is 78 years old. Our national average lifespan at the beginning of the year was 78.7. It does not appear that it is "killing" a lot of people who were not on the brink of death already. It is cutting months, not years off the lives of most victims.

The narrative is political to a very large degree. There are people who know it isn't as bad as they've promoted but are now vested in it as a campaign tactic. Otherwise, it compares to the Emperor's New Clothes. No one DARES say anything different than it is the worst pandemic in history and worthy of the most extreme responses. If they dare... off with their heads!

Infection depends on viral load. That's a known universal truth. Viral load for an airborne virus is a function of the amount of living virus and the volume of air. So think about it... what would it take to build enough viral load to make someone sick in an open air stadium with constant air exchange AND direct sunlight which kills the virus in less than 2 minutes?

Things like this are what frustrate me with our supposed "medical experts". They have to know that certain circumstances create the environments where viral load can build. Once you know that... you mitigate it. You require air filtration for classrooms and restaurants... you don't require people to wear masks outdoors.
Where was it ever said or alleged that LSU and Clemson had a strategy where they wanted players to get it?

I don't think anybody wants their players to get it. Coach O was just saying that most of his players had gotten it already.

I don’t remember the article, but I did see something where they had some sort of practice to let it run its course through the team.

It’s not an accident why the infection rates of those two schools is so high
I don’t remember the article, but I did see something where they had some sort of practice to let it run its course through the team.

It’s not an accident why the infection rates of those two schools is so high
I'm not so sure what's happened at LSU hasn't happened at other schools though. Coach O is being pretty frank about it, more frank than most coaches. Tennessee has held a ton of guys out of practices lately. I know most of that is due to contract tracing and not actual positive tests, but because of privacy stuff we don't know exactly who has gotten it and who hasn't. I bet the numbers are higher everywhere than what you'd think.
With all of this COVID stuff, one of the things I wish people would recognize is the inconsistent logic that is applied.

Well, I saw another example based on an article I saw today and it occurred to me.

It was quoting Orgeron who stated that most of his players had gotten COVID and I remembered what they were doing.

So, it begs the question. If the virus is so deadly and can cause long term damage, why on earth would lsu and Clemson (among others) put into practice a strategy where they wanted their players to catch the virus?

And why is no one appalled and enraged at what they are doing? Why aren’t families running to news networks going ballistic?

It makes no sense.
This whole issue is nonsense when applied to the athlete demographic. The proof is MLB and NBA. NO DEATHS--NO PERMANENT DAMAGE. Players can get really sick for a few days, but recover and may not ever get it again. Some never get very sick. This is all a scam for power hungry nannies who want control over everything. They remind me of some axxholes in my homeowners association. Trey Smith had it right on the SEC handling the Cade Mays situation. A gaggle of self important idiots in suits sitting around drinking coffee and ruining everyone else's lives (to paraphrase).

It is time someone stops the nonsense and quit blindly following these nannies like a bunch of sheep.
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Because it isn't.

I do not care for Fauci. But through this whole mess he's said one thing that is true. Back in February he contributed to a medical journal paper and stated that in the end Covid would have the impact of a bad flu season. Once you consider how deaths are counted compared to the flu and the mistakes and unknowns from early on... he's right. Since May, Covid has a less than 0.2% IFR. The VAST majority of people who get it have very, very mild symptoms. Many have symptoms so mild that they do not recognize they even have it. These football players are in far more danger riding in a car than they are of dying or having long term damage from Covid.

This is a virus that got ahead of us with old people. Even so... the average Covid related death is 78 years old. Our national average lifespan at the beginning of the year was 78.7. It does not appear that it is "killing" a lot of people who were not on the brink of death already. It is cutting months, not years off the lives of most victims.

The narrative is political to a very large degree. There are people who know it isn't as bad as they've promoted but are now vested in it as a campaign tactic. Otherwise, it compares to the Emperor's New Clothes. No one DARES say anything different than it is the worst pandemic in history and worthy of the most extreme responses. If they dare... off with their heads!

Infection depends on viral load. That's a known universal truth. Viral load for an airborne virus is a function of the amount of living virus and the volume of air. So think about it... what would it take to build enough viral load to make someone sick in an open air stadium with constant air exchange AND direct sunlight which kills the virus in less than 2 minutes?

Things like this are what frustrate me with our supposed "medical experts". They have to know that certain circumstances create the environments where viral load can build. Once you know that... you mitigate it. You require air filtration for classrooms and restaurants... you don't require people to wear masks outdoors.

With all of this COVID stuff, one of the things I wish people would recognize is the inconsistent logic that is applied.

Well, I saw another example based on an article I saw today and it occurred to me.

It was quoting Orgeron who stated that most of his players had gotten COVID and I remembered what they were doing.

So, it begs the question. If the virus is so deadly and can cause long term damage, why on earth would lsu and Clemson (among others) put into practice a strategy where they wanted their players to catch the virus?

And why is no one appalled and enraged at what they are doing? Why aren’t families running to news networks going ballistic?

It makes no sense.
Something from WebMD:
When does a community reach herd immunity? It depends on the reproduction number, or R0. The R0 tells you the average number of people that a single person with the virus can infect if those people aren’t already immune. The higher the R0, the more people need to be resistant to reach herd immunity.
Researchers think that the R0 for COVID-19 is between 2 and 3. This means that one person can infect two to three other people. It also means 50% to 67% of the population would need to be resistant before herd immunity kicks in and the infection rates start to go down.
Herd Immunity
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With all of this COVID stuff, one of the things I wish people would recognize is the inconsistent logic that is applied.

Well, I saw another example based on an article I saw today and it occurred to me.

It was quoting Orgeron who stated that most of his players had gotten COVID and I remembered what they were doing.

So, it begs the question. If the virus is so deadly and can cause long term damage, why on earth would lsu and Clemson (among others) put into practice a strategy where they wanted their players to catch the virus?

And why is no one appalled and enraged at what they are doing? Why aren’t families running to news networks going ballistic?

It makes no sense.
The answer is very simple. Athletic Departments thinking they know more about communicable diseases than trained Physicians and Epidemiologists.
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when i proposed my solution to just infect all and get everyone over it, I was poo pooed!

This was back when Clemson already had 58 players infected. I had been around several family who were infected and had no problems at all! For about 99% of those infected, it is not taking months or years off their lives!

But we are still guilty of allowing those with a political agenda to offer up their versions of "science,"

In the long run, it's not any worse than a bad flu season.

As a group of people, we are like sheep and I hate to admit, we are very stupid! (not me--the group)
My daughter-in-law who's 45, got Covid recently. She has had pneumonia and the flu before. This is much worse than either of them. Her words, not mine. I think I will trust her assessment.
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We all have the option of believing what we're told by people who have not earned our trust... or have earned the opposite or being reasonably skeptical.

Many think Sweden's strategy "failed". If you're one who goes home at half time when the Vols trail by 10... then that's likely your position. However, the time period to judge the effectiveness of a Covid response isn't 3 or 6 months. It is 12 or even 24 months. Currently Sweden's trajectory is going in the right direction. There are strong indications that their decisions have in fact led to a level of herd immunity that has begun to protect their population.

How Much Difference Do COVID-19 Lockdowns Make?
My daughter-in-law who's 45, got Covid recently. She has had pneumonia and the flu before. This is much worse than either of them. Her words, not mine. I think I will trust her assessment.
And that is true of a small minority of those who contract the virus. OTOH, I've had a case of the flu unlike others when I couldn't even lift my arms.

There is a very good, objective measure of how severe the virus is compared to the flu. Currently Covid hospitalizations are up to around 380K. At current pace, Covid hospitalizations will compare to an "average" P&I year.... and that's before you take out those whose Covid was complicated by having P&I. Two years ago, 950K Americans were hospitalized for pneumonia/influenza.

The virus is real and serious for some people. It is NOT what it has been hyped to be from a health impact pov.
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I hope you're being respectful, because he's (sjt18) so much more informed than most who post on this board. If respect or humor wasn't intended, then your response says all we need to know about you.
Heh, not quite.

SJT is well-read, which makes him a very capable writer. His command of the English language is exceptional.

That doesn't make him well informed on any topic other than the English language. And it does not prove he has a high degree of general intelligence. It does not even mean that his mental faculties are completely intact. It only means he is well-spoken.

I know, that can easily fool a person into thinking the writer is intelligent, as well.

Unfortunately, SJT's stance on a variety of issues over the years tells me that he is not among the best-informed on these boards. He has a tendency to develop an opinion on a topic early (say, Covid-19...or Guarantano...those are his two current obsessions), then amass data and sources in support of his position while ignoring equally valid, but contradictory, information. He masks this shortfall by demanding that whoever he is debating provide evidence, hard evidence, valid evidence, scientific evidence. Trouble is, I've seen many on the boards here fall into that trap with him, they provide the requested evidence, and he always finds a reason to dismiss it. Because it doesn't fit his narrative. Seen him do this time and time again, on topic after topic.

On top of this "biased intelligence" (which is a euphemism for a lack of true objective intelligence), he has shown signs lately of coming a bit unhinged. Particularly on the topic of Covid-19. For example, in this very thread our gator visitor OP asked a fairly specific covid-related question about LSU's program. SJT hit reply, but didn't even come close to addressing the question; instead, he repeated a mantra he has posted many times already. It's as if he didn't even see that the question was about LSU; that didn't matter to him. The fella seems to have gone off the deep end a bit.

I'm not saying any of this behind his back. I've told SJT directly, in other threads, that I think he's holding too tight to the covid thing, and needs to step back a bit.

Anyway, no. I would not count SJT as one of best informed on these boards. He's not one of the 5-10 folks whose posts I look forward to the most for their insights. But he is well-lettered. Gotta give him that. It's a nice facade over a dogmatic brain and (lately) a touch of crazy.
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Heh, not quite.

SJT is well-read, which makes him an erudite writer. His command of the English language is exceptional.

That doesn't make him well informed on any topic other than the English language. And it does not prove he has a high degree of general intelligence. It does not even mean that his mental faculties are completely intact. It only means he is well-spoken.
Sort of sounds like you’re describing yours...

when i proposed my solution to just infect all and get everyone over it, I was poo pooed!

This was back when Clemson already had 58 players infected. I had been around several family who were infected and had no problems at all! For about 99% of those infected, it is not taking months or years off their lives!

But we are still guilty of allowing those with a political agenda to offer up their versions of "science,"

In the long run, it's not any worse than a bad flu season.

As a group of people, we are like sheep and I hate to admit, we are very stupid! (not me--the group)
Heh, not quite.

SJT is well-read, which makes him a very capable writer. His command of the English language is exceptional.

That doesn't make him well informed on any topic other than the English language. And it does not prove he has a high degree of general intelligence. It does not even mean that his mental faculties are completely intact. It only means he is well-spoken.

I know, that can easily fool a person into thinking the writer is intelligent, as well.

Unfortunately, SJT's stance on a variety of issues over the years tells me that he is not among the best-informed on these boards. He has a tendency to develop an opinion on a topic early (say, Covid-19...or Guarantano...those are his two current obsessions), then amass data and sources in support of his position while ignoring equally valid, but contradictory, information. He masks this shortfall by demanding that whoever he is debating provide evidence, hard evidence, valid evidence, scientific evidence. Trouble is, I've seen many on the boards here fall into that trap with him, they provide the requested evidence, and he always finds a reason to dismiss it. Because it doesn't fit his narrative. Seen him do this time and time again, on topic after topic.

On top of this "biased intelligence" (which is a euphemism for a lack of true objective intelligence), he has shown signs lately of coming a bit unhinged. Particularly on the topic of Covid-19. For example, in this very thread our gator visitor OP asked a fairly specific covid-related question about LSU's program. SJT hit reply, but didn't even come close to addressing the question; instead, he repeated a mantra he has posted many times already. It's as if he didn't even see that the question was about LSU; that didn't matter to him. The fella seems to have gone off the deep end a bit.

I'm not saying any of this behind his back. I've told SJT directly, in other threads, that I think he's holding too tight to the covid thing, and needs to step back a bit.

Anyway, no. I would not count SJT as one of best informed on these boards. He's not one of the 5-10 folks whose posts I look forward to the most for their insights. But he is well-lettered. Gotta give him that. It's a nice facade over a dogmatic brain and (lately) a touch of crazy.

Well, that's your opinion, and I certainly respect it. IMO, sjt18 is one of the more informed posters concerning the Kung Flu on this board. And, I enjoy reading them.
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Because it isn't.

I do not care for Fauci. But through this whole mess he's said one thing that is true. Back in February he contributed to a medical journal paper and stated that in the end Covid would have the impact of a bad flu season. Once you consider how deaths are counted compared to the flu and the mistakes and unknowns from early on... he's right. Since May, Covid has a less than 0.2% IFR. The VAST majority of people who get it have very, very mild symptoms. Many have symptoms so mild that they do not recognize they even have it. These football players are in far more danger riding in a car than they are of dying or having long term damage from Covid.

This is a virus that got ahead of us with old people. Even so... the average Covid related death is 78 years old. Our national average lifespan at the beginning of the year was 78.7. It does not appear that it is "killing" a lot of people who were not on the brink of death already. It is cutting months, not years off the lives of most victims.

The narrative is political to a very large degree. There are people who know it isn't as bad as they've promoted but are now vested in it as a campaign tactic. Otherwise, it compares to the Emperor's New Clothes. No one DARES say anything different than it is the worst pandemic in history and worthy of the most extreme responses. If they dare... off with their heads!

Infection depends on viral load. That's a known universal truth. Viral load for an airborne virus is a function of the amount of living virus and the volume of air. So think about it... what would it take to build enough viral load to make someone sick in an open air stadium with constant air exchange AND direct sunlight which kills the virus in less than 2 minutes?

Things like this are what frustrate me with our supposed "medical experts". They have to know that certain circumstances create the environments where viral load can build. Once you know that... you mitigate it. You require air filtration for classrooms and restaurants... you don't require people to wear masks outdoors.

ironic thing is, every one that has gotten it that I know are huge pro-maskers and sanitize everything, while I'm over here maskless and basically licking door knobs lol with no issues.

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