You completely missed the point of my post.
McCarthy was right BTW!
Everything he said proved to be true.
The last two senators who supported him were JFK and Robert Kennedy, I guess you are familiar with what happened to them.
Do you care to expand upon this?
Pretty funny coming from a guy who spends his time on VN spamming blog links and posting badly photoshopped pics
There is an old Islamic custom that requires treating a conquered and subservient people like second class citizens, even in their own country. This ancient Muslim tradition is called Dhimmitude. It requires that a conquered nation either convert to Islam en masse, or its people as individuals will be forced to pay a head tax just for the privilege of living in their own land! You see, under the Uma (the Muslim World) you can still live in your own country, but you have to pay for your crime of remaining a non-Muslim. The only other alternative is death or immigration if you can escape!
In one of his earliest speeches, a few years ago, our President Barack Hussein Obama said, The United States is the largest Muslim country in the world. President Obamas outrageous claim along with the fact that both his father and his grandfather were Muslims, when taken in context with the Islamic tradition known as Dhimmitude, present us with a very frightening scenario. I am beginning to wonder whether or not in some Muslim peoples minds, the United States is already technically considered to be part of the Uma, just as Spain is, and whether Christians and Jews, or anyone else who is not a Muslim, are already potentially subject to defacto Dhimmitude. Are we all just waiting for this to happen? Are we all going to pay a tax someday to the World Caliphate just for the privilege of living in our own country, just as soon as the demographics on the ground permit it? These are good questions that deserve answers!
So when an old friend of mine told me recently that the word Dhimmitude appeared in the text of President Obamas massive new health care law, The Affordable Care Act, and that it exempted Muslims from the requirement of having to purchase health insurance or pay the fine, I just had to find out for myself if it was true or not. A quick on line search of the words Dhimmitude and Affordable Health Care Act took me to two different websites, Snopes and Fact Check. As best I can determine from these sources, the question has not been answered yet.
Currently the only groups that are exempt from the Presidents controversial new health care law are Ana-Baptists. These are small Christian sects like the Amish, the Mennonites, and the Huterites, and any other nationally recognized group that is exempted from paying into the Social Security Trust Fund.
So at the moment, we dont really know whether or not Muslims will be exempted from the new health care law. We dont know if they will be excluded from the provision that requires everyone to carry health insurance or pay the fine. All we can do is hope that the new law will be repealed soon, and that we wont have to worry about the answer to that question.
The Qur'anic foundation for this pact is seen as being Sura 9:29, which states, "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
First of all, only People of the Book (Christians and Jews) are allowed to live under Islamic TYRANY as Dhimmis; all others including Agnostics, Atheists, Buddhists, etc. have only 2 choices: Convert or Die!
The so called Profit Moo-Ham-Ud being nothing but a degenerate, common thug and thief, found that by killing all those who he and his band of brigands conquered was not profitable so he began letting some of them live as Dhimmis (not much better than slaves) and reaped the rewards from their paying jizya or a form of protection money.
The Pact of Umar set up the framework for the standing of Christians and Jews in the Islamic World called the Dhimma.
The original Pact of Umar was apparently issued by caliph Umar bin al-Khattab (634644). Though there is wide disagreement among scholars about the origins and development of this covenant, it seems clear that the Pact of Umar eventually became a composite statement that was central to the Muslim legal structure in terms of dealing with non-Muslim populations in the early Abbasid period and thereafter. As Muslim dominion rapidly expanded by military means in the 7th century, means of treating Non-Muslims as dhimma, or protected person were implemented, which would henceforth be used as a model.
According to the pact, conquered Jews and Christians under subjection were allowed the privilege of worshiping according to their own religion, albeit in a very subdued and non-evangelistic manner, to own property, and to pursue their occupations. In return they acknowledged the authority of the Muslim government, swore loyalty to the state, and paid the jizya as other financial assessments, and thus received some protection from molestation, provided they where found faithful to the Pact.
The pact prohibited Christians and Jews from marrying Muslim women or making any public religious displays, such as exhibiting statues, ringing bells, holding processions, issuing proclamations, and undertaking new construction of synagogues or churches. Jews and Christians were not allowed to evangelize, teach the Qur'an, prevent family members from converting to Islam, imitate Muslims in appearance, bury their dead in Muslim cemeteries, build homes that overlooked those of Muslims, own slaves previously owned by Muslims, hold political office, ride horses or camels, testify against a Muslim in a criminal legal case, sell alcohol, pork, or carrion to Muslims. In addition, Jews and Christians were to identify themselves by wearing a girdle over external clothing, shaving the front of their head (males), and using distinctive headgear, saddles, and mounts.
They also had to agree that if they in any way violated these commands, then they forfeited the covenant [dhimma], and become liable to the penalties for insubordination.
It is also understood by some that the Jews, Christians and Magians are to be asked to convert to Islam, and if they refuse then they should be asked to pay the jizyah. If they refuse to pay the jizyah then the Muslims must fight them if and when they are able to do so .
So let me get this straight.
There is a large number of Muslins living near the Cumberland City TVA, because it's normally suspicious for people to be living near an important place. Many of them work at the Nashville airport, which is obviously suspicious because I'm sure a post-9/11 era airport has no vetting process whatsoever. And it's especially scary because occasionally people have heard gunfire and explosions, something you absolutely never hear living in the south.
These potential terrorists must be doing a horrible job of covering their tracks, huh.
GS, you know about skinny cows?
They're pretty good!
Maybe you're referring to Christian-Muslim animosities? I'm referring to American-Muslim animosities specifically. Maybe that explains the mixup? Regardless, you're probably right that it goes back before the 1940s/50s, but I don't know that I would date it much sooner than the 1910s/20s with the rise of Wahabism in Arabia.
If this is true, then I understand the local community's concern; however, I will also point out that there are extreme right wing groups that also do these things as well (and often affiliated with Christianity). These anti-govt., sometimes Christian fundamentalists are just as likely to kill a police officer as any Muslim here in America. Let's just say that there are people, both Christian and Muslim, religious and non-religious, that sometimes take things way too seriously.
"All of a sudden," as in how did it start in the first place. Believe me, I know this issue hasn't "all of the sudden" appeared here lately. It began 50-60 years ago, and was accentuated in the 1980s-90s.
It goes back to the 7th century.
I thought wahabism went back to the 1700s?
Regarding the animosities between the West and Islam, I was speaking about those animosities between America and Islam, specifically. And yes, you are correct that wahabism goes back to the 1700s and gained large influence in Saudi Arabia throughout that time and on into the 1800s as well. However, while I could be wrong, I think it was around the time of WWI, the waning days of the Ottoman Empire, and the post-war colonialist struggles with European powers that Arab nationalism began to wed some forms of fundamentalist Islam (like wahabism, for instance). This was not necessarily a development across the board, but one that would become influential.
Regarding the "BS," quick internet searches about the Oklahoma City bombing, neo-Nazism in America, and Sovereign Citizens, should demonstrate that we often have just as much to fear from some of these extreme "American" right wing platforms as we do foreign ones.
To be fair, though, many sovereign citizens are not necessarily violent; just some bad apples in the bunch.
Back in October 2011 Congressman Louis Gohmert (R-TX) questioned Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about Mohamed Elibiary, a member of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with a high level security clearance who allegedly accessed, illegally from his home computer, a Texas State and Local Intelligence Community database. Napolitano denied knowing anything about it, and told Gohmert she would personally do the investigation.
Gohmert charged that Elibiary shopped information marked For Official Use Only, [classified] about Texas Governor Rick Perry and other Texas officials, to a left-leaning media outlet.
Flash forward to this week, and Gohmert has Napolitano back before the House Judiciary Committee for questioning. He wanted to know what her personal investigation into the matter found. She found nothing.
Napolitano said the charges are "false," "misleading," and "objectionable." Gohmert said people in her Department are lying to her. The Texas Department of Public Safety said Elibiary DID ACCESS THE INFORMATION, with his own private computer. He DID download the documents. The only thing the Texas Department of Public Safety could not confirm was that the information was "shopped" to news outlets.
Mohamed Elibiary sits on the "Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Working Group. Of the 26 members, he is the only one with a security clearance to access the state databases with sensitive information about residents.
Napolitano ignored the Texas investigation that concluded that he absolutely DID illegally access the Texas database.
Napolitano was allowed to refuse to address the facts or the questions. Pitiful. The Islamization of America continues and Congressman Michelle Bachmann is in the middle of it. She has taken a very courageous stance. Read it here, and be sure to click the link to her letter to Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison.
Wes Harris, the founder and chairman of the Original North Phoenix Tea Party, now says McCain's words have given him grounds to mount an effort to unseat the longtime senator.
In an interview with the Arizona Capitol Times, Harris called McCain an "embarrassment," before laying out a variety of unapologetic anti-Islamic sentiments.
Have you ever read the Quran? I suggest you do so, because anyone that is a Muslim is a threat to this country, and thats a fact, Harris told the Times. There is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. If they are Muslim they have to follow the Quran. Thats their religion and thats their doctrine.
According to the Times, Harris believes Muslims are incapable of being loyal to the U.S., because he claims that their faith in Islam and the Quran trumps any other allegiance. He also apparently believes Muslims shouldn't be able to serve in the State Department at all.
Is [Abedin] a Muslim? Is she an active Muslim? Harris asked the Times. I rest my case. Thats all she needs to be.
Go to hell, Senator, its time for you to take your final dirt nap, Harris concludes.
neither should Bachmann but it happens
More than 100 investigations into suspected Islamic extremists within the military have been carried out by the FBI, including 12 cases considered serious, NPR is reporting. Investigators believe the main target to be military bases.
The FBI and Department of Defense call these cases insider threats. They include not just active and reserve military personnel but also individuals who have access to military facilities such as contractors and close family members with dependent ID cards.
The investigation was discussed at a closed hearing on Capitol Hill in December. Though the FBI and Defense Department would not disclose details, Sen. Joseph Lieberman spoke to the radio network:
I was surprised and struck by the numbers; they were larger than I expected, Sen. Joseph Lieberman, an independent from Connecticut and chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, told NPR. He stopped short of confirming the numbers.
I know one can say that as a percentage of the millions of people in active military service or working with contractors, the numbers you talk about are a small percentage of the total, but the reality is it only took one man, Nidal Hasan, to kill 13 people at Fort Hood and injure a lot more, Lieberman said.
In December, the Pentagon was criticized by lawmakers for classifying the massacre as workplace violence. Republican Sen. Susan Collins then suggested political correctness was taking precedence over security concerns and blasted the Obama administration for not calling it a threat from radical Islam.
I have one, do you season paint chips before you eat them or just have at it?
Pretty funny coming from a guy who spends his time on VN spamming blog links and posting badly photoshopped pics
Classy guy.
Classier than McLame for sure.
Huma Abedin has several immediate members of her family who are closely associated with the muslim brotherhood, do you really think she should be #2 at the US State Department.
I'm lowering my previous guesses of your IQ to less that 120, sorry I grossly overestimated your intelligence previously, my bad, please forgive me.
My offer still stands. :loco:
You don't think looking into how much influence the muslim brotherhood has on the U.S. governments policies is a valid question?
Do you believe that someone who has at least three immediate family members who are very high in the MB heirarchy should be the #2 at the U.S. state department?
Do you think there is anything wrong with the state department granting a visa to a known leader of a muslim terrorist organization so that he can attend a policy meeting at the White House?
Mohamed Elibiary, a national security expert who serves as an advisor for the Department of Homeland Security, was accused last October of leaking secret documents in an effort to smear then-presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) as Islamophobic.
The GMBDR posted an exclusive article in October 2010 which laid out in detail the Muslim Brotherhood connections of Mohamed Elibiary. We are repeating this evidence here and note that most of the incriminating material has been scrubbed from the various websites which we have duly noted below. (The original post also contains Mr. Elibiarys letter to us and our response)
On an older webpage from his organizations website (scrubbed), Mr. Elibiary described his background:
The FJF website previously stated (scrubbed) that Mr. Elibiary had earned several certifications from an unidentified Islamic University on issues related to Islamic Law and Governance and it should be noted that another FJF Trustee was reported (scrubbed) to be a graduate of the University of Medina, known to be a center of for the Muslim Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia. The FJF site goes on previously described (scrubbed) Mr. Elibiarys occupation as follows:
Since 2005 Mohamed, as a National Security Policy Analyst, has been advising Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies (ex. FBI, DHS, NCTC, ODNI, etc.) on various Counter-Terrorism (CT) issues (ex. Domestic Intelligence, Strategic Intelligence Analysis, Information Sharing and Radicalization).
The Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at Georgetown is directed by longtime global Muslim Brotherhood supporter John Esposito.
In 2008, Mr. Elibiary harshly criticized the Hamas terrorism financing convictions of the Holy Land Foundation defendants calling them a policy of denying our civil liberties:
Mr. Elibiarys position on the Holy Land case is not surprising given the composition of the FJF Advisory Council many of whose members (scrubbed) are are associated with the Islamic Association of North Texas which operates the Dallas Central Mosque (DCM). Both organizations are known to be associated with the US Muslim Brotherhood and the Hamas infrastructure in the U.S. including the now defunct Holy Land Foundations (HLF).
Other members of the FJF Advisory Council are leaders of the Muslim American Society (MAS) and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), both organizations being important parts of the US Muslim Brotherhood.
It should also be noted that Mr. Elibiary has written admiringly of Sayid Qutb, one of the most important ideologues of the Global Muslim Brotherhood.
James Zogby: Ellison Challenges Bachmann: Put Up or Shut Up
Rogers is the Chairman of the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
since our founding, America has always enjoyed a good witch hunt. Oddly enough they all end up in history books and the people reading them laughing at the ignorance. Looks like Bachmann skipped that class
Wow!!! I wouldn't mind Bachmann leaving congress... any takers???
Hard to believe that she lead the republican nominations at one time; but hell, we have had some wacko's run and get close to winning the high office. Gesh...
Engagement with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is the consensus among elite opinion and certainly among the ranks of North American Middle East studies academics, the "experts" tasked with informing the public and, often, policy-makers on foreign policy in the region. Since the Egyptian revolution, these academics have whitewashed the Muslim Brotherhood, downplayed its Islamist agenda, and urged U.S. cooperationa policy suggestion the Obama administration has clearly taken to heart.
Many have been shocked by the speed with which the Obama administration has pursued this policy of outreach. The current debate within Congress about the potential influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the State Departmenta deliberation that crosses party linesdemonstrates just how deeply the influence has spread.
The symbiotic relationship between the academic and political spheres came to the fore in April of this year. No sooner had representatives of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the political wing of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, met with White House officials than the same delegation was taking part in a panel discussion at Georgetown University's Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) on April 4, 2012 (click here to watch).
That the Saudi-funded ACMCU and its founding director John Espositoa notorious apologist for radical Islam and the moderator of the panel discussionwould host the FJP makes perfect sense. So, too, did the FJP representatives' deceptive claims to uphold democratic rights, women's rights, religious and political pluralism, and a pro-American foreign policy, even as the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamist philosophy, stated goals, and the words of its own memberswhen directed towards Arabic-speaking audiencesall indicate otherwise.
In reality, the Muslim Brotherhood's goal of establishing a global caliphate in which Sharia (Islamic) law reigns supreme remains unchanged.
(In the U.S., as noted by Middle East Forum president Daniel Pipes, this entails replacing the "Constitution with the Koran.") The challenging question and answer period indicated that the audience at Georgetown was not entirely misled by the FJP's façade of moderation, despite the fact that they were given a platform by a prestigious institution in the field of Middle East studies.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the Obama administration, which seems determined to forget the lessons of the 1979 Iranian "Islamic revolution." From the halls of academe to the corridors of power, the advice of "experts" can have far-reaching consequences.
Allen West says that hes been saying this stuff the whole time and agrees that there are signs of a policy shift toward the Muslim Brotherhood in our government.
Engagement with Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood is the consensus among elite opinion and certainly among the ranks of North American Middle East studies academics, the "experts" tasked with informing the public and, often, policy-makers on foreign policy in the region. Since the Egyptian revolution, these academics have whitewashed the Muslim Brotherhood, downplayed its Islamist agenda, and urged U.S. cooperationa policy suggestion the Obama administration has clearly taken to heart.
Many have been shocked by the speed with which the Obama administration has pursued this policy of outreach. The current debate within Congress about the potential influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the State Departmenta deliberation that crosses party linesdemonstrates just how deeply the influence has spread.
The symbiotic relationship between the academic and political spheres came to the fore in April of this year. No sooner had representatives of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), the political wing of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, met with White House officials than the same delegation was taking part in a panel discussion at Georgetown University's Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) on April 4, 2012 (click here to watch).
That the Saudi-funded ACMCU and its founding director John Espositoa notorious apologist for radical Islam and the moderator of the panel discussionwould host the FJP makes perfect sense.
So, too, did the FJP representatives' deceptive claims to uphold democratic rights, women's rights, religious and political pluralism, and a pro-American foreign policy, even as the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamist philosophy, stated goals, and the words of its own memberswhen directed towards Arabic-speaking audiencesall indicate otherwise. In reality, the Muslim Brotherhood's goal of establishing a global caliphate in which Sharia (Islamic) law reigns supreme remains unchanged. (In the U.S., as noted by Middle East Forum president Daniel Pipes, this entails replacing the "Constitution with the Koran.") The challenging question and answer period indicated that the audience at Georgetown was not entirely misled by the FJP's façade of moderation, despite the fact that they were given a platform by a prestigious institution in the field of Middle East studies.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the Obama administration, which seems determined to forget the lessons of the 1979 Iranian "Islamic revolution." From the halls of academe to the corridors of power, the advice of "experts" can have far-reaching consequences.
Understanding the role of the Muslim Brother in North America:
The process of settlement is a Civilization-Jihadist Process with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Gods religion is made victorious over all other religions. Without this level of understanding, we are not up to this challenge and have not prepared ourselves for Jihad yet. It is a Muslims destiny to perform Jihad and work wherever he is and wherever he lands until the final hour comes, and there is no escape from that destiny except for those who chose to slack. But, would the slackers and the Mujahedeen be equal.