Volatil: as a former recruited specialist (ended up in the OVC). The name of the game to get recruited is camps and your son's email account. He has to email all the coaches constantly. I had a huge list of all the coaches and their emails and sent mass emails to my target schools(I didn't waste my time with Bame, USC, Oregon etc) They won't answer the first time but you have to keep trying and pursing. Eventually they will. The two most important times you have to perform is your junior year of high school and the summer camp circuit before your senior year. The winter/spring of your junior year is critical as well. You have to email coaches pretty much every month or two and update them on your progress. Also tell them multiple times that you will be at their specialist camp in the summer. They will be expecting your son at the camp and will seriously watch and have already done their research. Then all you have to do is go out and perform. This is where they make most of their decisions. They may wait until after your son's senior year to offer a punter/kicker so you have to be patient. Also I would see about getting him involved with Wilhoit. It would make him better, motivate him and Wilhoit can help him with networking. Don't waste your time with Sailer ProKicker Kohls etc. When you're a specialist they don't recruit you. You recruit them. Remember, not everyone can play at Tennessee(you sure as heck can try) but if your son loves the game of football and kicking he can have a fun college career. But he has to love it, it's a competition every day with 6 AM workouts year round. The recruting process is fun. Enjoy it and good luck