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Renaissance Man
Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Anyone catch the "racism" comments this morning?

To sum it up, some idiot called in and started saying that it is always the black athletes who get in trouble (a completely ridiculous comment). Unfortunately, the host responded by going off the deep end saying that "ONLY IN EAST TENNESSEE" would you get calls like that. When challenged, he then cited the example of the Maryville "flag scandal" as evidence, and repeated "ONLY IN EAST TENNESSEE."

So, one stupid redneck and a high school symbol suddenly makes the Knoxville area the "ONLY" place that you will find racism? Did I miss something? Interesting. I'm sure there are NO racists in the other Southern states. Or New York. Or California. Or Germany. Or is it that this is the only place where they are allowed to call in to radio shows? What's that document about freedom of speech?

On the subject of the flag, I could swear that I have seen plenty plastered across pickups in Alabama. And Georgia. And Florida. And every other state in the country. Oh, and wait, isn't there a school in the SEC that still uses the "Rebel" flag?

Sorry if I sound a little heated, but as a well-educated East Tennessean by birth and, now, by choice, I'm not crazy about our "OWN" radio show making comments like that.

I think the old "Don't crap where you eat" fits nicely, don't you???
(Volunteer @ May 8 said:
Crap has been a common reference to that station.


Funny thing is: MD wasn't even in the studio this morning. He's usually the one that makes we want to throw my radio out the window.
Ole Miss does not use that flag any more kd. They use something similar with an "M" instead of the St. Andrew's Cross. When I think of east TN I tend to think less of rednecks and more of hillbillies in overalls running barefoot through the mountain hollers with granpappy's double barrel in one hand, a bottle of shine in the other and a pack of baying coonhounds bringing up the rear. And I mean that with all due respect to the hillbilly nation.
I would like this station more if they would actually broadcast UT games on the net, I've only found one station that does that, and if they stop I'm screwed. They shut down their internet broadcasts for the UT games. Thanks.
Mickey Dearstone lost all my respect when he went off one day on Alcoa scoring 95 points against some team, even though they only passed like 4 times the entire game and were playing their 3rd and 4th stringers. Then like a week later he was defending the Lady Vols for beating some team something like 125-40. He said it was different because it the Lady Vols game was only an exhibition.
MD is is moe. He has little to no analysis and his since of humor is like nails on a chalkboard.

It was John Knowles. that made that comment yesterday. Apparently MD gave him a little grief about it. Jk over reacted to an idiotic comment.

I think that we should boycott that freaking program until MD is gone.
(patrick @ May 9 said:
MD is is moe. He has little to no analysis and his since of humor is like nails on a chalkboard.

It was John Knowles. that made that comment yesterday. Apparently MD gave him a little grief about it. Jk over reacted to an idiotic comment.

I think that we should boycott that freaking program until MD is gone.

Yeah, I know it was Knowles. I left out his name intentionally, but I guess it doesn't really matter.

They kind of glossed over it this morning, but I'm still pretty dissatisfied with the whole situation. It would be like a Baptist preacher yelling: "only in the Baptist church. . . ." would you hear someone make an idiotic comment. How do you think his congregation would react?

Really, it's an insult to me, as an East Tennesseean. I consider myself educated, tolerant, and very conscious of others' feelings and rights. I would prefer than Johnny Knowles not be welcome to insult my homeland, culture, and upbringing (which is, in essence, what a comment like that does) on a station that is supposed to SUPPORT Tennessee.

Here's another take: It may be a stretch, but say you are a high-school athlete or scholar trying to decide between staying in-state to continue your education or going elsewhere. I would hazard to guess that a lot of people would think that Knowles's comments yesterday might negatively affect a person's opinion of the area and, possibly, of wanting to stick around (or to come here from out-of-state). It just perpetuates the old "shoeless redneck" myth.

My :twocents:
(kiddiedoc @ May 9 said:
Yeah, I know it was Knowles. I left out his name intentionally, but I guess it doesn't really matter.

They kind of glossed over it this morning, but I'm still pretty dissatisfied with the whole situation. It would be like a Baptist preacher yelling: "only in the Baptist church. . . ." would you hear someone make an idiotic comment. How do you think his congregation would react?

Really, it's an insult to me, as an East Tennesseean. I consider myself educated, tolerant, and very conscious of others' feelings and rights. I would prefer than Johnny Knowles not be welcome to insult my homeland, culture, and upbringing (which is, in essence, what a comment like that does) on a station that is supposed to SUPPORT Tennessee.

Here's another take: It may be a stretch, but say you are a high-school athlete or scholar trying to decide between staying in-state to continue your education or going elsewhere. I would hazard to guess that a lot of people would think that Knowles's comments yesterday might negatively affect a person's opinion of the area and, possibly, of wanting to stick around (or to come here from out-of-state). It just perpetuates the old "shoeless redneck" myth.

My :twocents:
This isn't North Korea. The station's job isn't to support Tennessee, but to add to the public discourse. If you don't like their programming, which I agree isn't very good, don't listen. Radio is ratings/advertising driven. If nobody's tuning in, they'll make changes.
Yeah, I'm all for "freedom of speech." I just don't think that an East Tennessee station should pay someone to insult its own listeners?
(kiddiedoc @ May 9 said:
Yeah, I'm all for "freedom of speech." I just don't think that an East Tennessee station should pay someone to insult its own listeners?
Trust me, if nobody's listening, they won't be paying him for long.
(hatvol96 @ May 9 said:
Trust me, if nobody's listening, they won't be paying him for long.

Point already taken. I'm signing off until, at least, football season. I was already to the break point with Mickey.
(hatvol96 @ May 9 said:
If you don't like their programming, which I agree isn't very good, don't listen. Radio is ratings/advertising driven. If nobody's tuning in, they'll make changes.

If we can convince all VN posters to stop listening, maybe that will help us get some changes.
(vol_freak @ May 9 said:
If we can convince all VN posters to stop listening, maybe that will help us get some changes.
I would certainly think that's their target demographic.
PETITION!!!! Who's in charge?

Let's get some ideas for suggestions/demands that we'd require to tune back in, for starters???
(hatvol96 @ May 9 said:
This isn't North Korea. The station's job isn't to support Tennessee, but to add to the public discourse. If you don't like their programming, which I agree isn't very good, don't listen. Radio is ratings/advertising driven. If nobody's tuning in, they'll make changes.

Free speach does not make anything more or less offensive. Why is it that making fun of "hillbillies" gives the speaker a free pass. I seem to remember the people in Detroit getting pretty upset a few years ago when a radio personality made fun of their tendencies to burn things after championship wins.
(Lexvol @ May 9 said:
Free speach does not make anything more or less offensive. Why is it that making fun of "hillbillies" gives the speaker a free pass. I seem to remember the people in Detroit getting pretty upset a few years ago when a radio personality made fun of their tendencies to burn things after championship wins.
Unless I missed something, the host indicated that these issues rear their head "only in East Tennessee." That's inaccurate. However, anyone who doesn't acknowledge that racism is worse in East Tennessee than most of the rest of the nation needs to promptly remove their heads from the sand before they suffocate.

I think you're on to something.

If you get a lot of names on a petition and pass it on to the station manager, that would get some notice.



Here is a site where you can hear all Vol games. It's not very expensive for a season pass, and they usually
have one or two games that are actually video each year.
(hatvol96 @ May 9 said:
Unless I missed something, the host indicated that these issues rear their head "only in East Tennessee." That's inaccurate. However, anyone who doesn't acknowledge that racism is worse in East Tennessee than most of the rest of the nation needs to promptly remove their heads from the sand before they suffocate.

I assume you've traveled the nation collecting data regarding the public's tolerance of races. I'm from East TN, and I recognize some racism is present here. However, I saw a lot of the same attitudes in students from West TN, and probably even worse from a lot of people up north.
If you really wanted to get something done, flood the sponsors with emails, letters, and phone calls and use the term 'boycott' every other word. That makes sponsors nervous and more likely to pull their ads off of the show. Ads leave.....stations make changes.....economics. It's all about free speech, sure. But free speech is not always free.
(kptvol @ May 9 said:
I assume you've traveled the nation collecting data regarding the public's tolerance of races. I'm from East TN, and I recognize some racism is present here. However, I saw a lot of the same attitudes in students from West TN, and probably even worse from a lot of people up north.
I've certainly traveled the nation several times over. I've also attended 95% of UT's home games in the last 25 or so years. That said, I have no problem saying that we have more bigots, hicks, dolts, and rubes among our fan base than any school not named Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss, or Clemson.
(hatvol96 @ May 9 said:
I've certainly traveled the nation several times over. I've also attended 95% of UT's home games in the last 25 or so years. That said, I have no problem saying that we have more bigots, hicks, dolts, and rubes among our fan base than any school not named Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss, or Clemson.

That may be true, but UT fans do not comprise all of East TN.
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