Sports Animals

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(kptvol @ May 9 said:
That may be true, but UT fans do not comprise all of East TN.
I agree with that. However, while the host was incorrect in the wording of his statement, the premise was far more accurate than most would like to admit.
(hatvol96 @ May 9 said:
However, anyone who doesn't acknowledge that racism is worse in East Tennessee than most of the rest of the nation needs to promptly remove their heads from the sand before they suffocate.

Worse than the rest of the Nation? That's ridiculous. Let's see some stats that back that up.
I for one am a person trying to help heal the past.Some people only keep the embers burning.My children have had as many African American close friends spend as many nights than caucasins.I try to be a positive influence and lend a ear to any of their friends.As far as racism goes, explain why most of Detroit's white population migrate to the suburbs years ago?Is that a form of racism.Next, Blount County is probably 90% white.Does that constitute racism?I am more concerned about the court system in Tennessee giving a school teacher who raped a 12 year old boy 6 months time to serve and an African American man (21) served 2 years in county jail for stealing 1500. from a company and having weed in his system when surprise test admistered in court (PUBLIC attorney said don't worry, you won't be tested).That ticks me off .Our judicial system.This guys mom died of a crack overdose in his arms when he was 17, and his dad was a NON father.I know he did wrong but dam, the teacher raped a kid!PITIFUL!
I find claims of “Racism is worst in this place as opposed to that,” are baseless and cannot be supported with any fact.

The reason: Racism, for the most part, is subtle. We don't live in a day when racism is 'in your face' like the 60s. Racism seems to be everywhere. I have found in my years of traveling this great land, and many foreign ones as well, that there is about the same amount of good people everywhere.

That's not to say one won't encounter more racism in one location than another, but the reasons for that are more geographical (In effect, personal geographics) than a testament to the logistics itself.

If one spends 10 years in East Tennessee and 1 in New Jersey, the ability to accurately judge those places are skewed.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions in regard to what section is worse but there's absolutely no scientific data to substantiate such claims that I'm aware of.

Even if there were attempts to gather information on racism, aside from spending thousands of hours of real-time observation by countless individuals in an
all encompassing and expensive study, the results would still be skewed because very few people would admit to racism and even in non-contact surveys
most responses would not go deep enough to reveal the true feelings of the respondent.

I agree with kiddiedoc that this was a nocuous attempt at stereotyping a region that led the way in the South even before the Civil War in their attempts to bring minorities into the mainstream of American life. East Tennessee has always been ahead of much of the South in this regard. It was by far the most divided region of the state in terms of supporting secession and for that reason the Union armies always found more sympathy there when their armies moved through the region than most other places in the South. I'm sure the reporter in question knew that though. (NOT)
(Orangewhiteblood @ May 9 said:
Worse than the rest of the Nation? That's ridiculous. Let's see some stats that back that up.
Okay, here's one. I, by a quick, conservative count, have been to about 100 major sporting venues throughout the country. Neyland Stadium, with the noticeable exceptions of armpits named Bryant-Denny, Jordan-Hare, and Vaught-Hemingway, is the only place where racist comments are not completely out of the ordinary. At least once a season, I find myself having to apologize for the comments of some Nathan Bedford Forrest lovin', cross burnin', slur spewin', tobacco drippin', evolutionary challenged rube. I never have that problem at Madison Square Garden, Staples Center, or the Orange Bowl. So, I'll take 25 years of anecdotal evidence. That satisfies me.
(hatvol96 @ May 9 said:
Okay, here's one. I, by a quick, conservative count, have been to about 100 major sporting venues throughout the country. Neyland Stadium, with the noticeable exceptions of armpits named Bryant-Denny, Jordan-Hare, and Vaught-Hemingway, is the only place where racist comments are not completely out of the ordinary. At least once a season, I find myself having to apologize for the comments of some Nathan Bedford Forrest lovin', cross burnin', slur spewin', tobacco drippin', evolutionary challenged rube. I never have that problem at Madison Square Garden, Staples Center, or the Orange Bowl. So, I'll take 25 years of anecdotal evidence. That satisfies me.

Still doesn't prove a thing.
(Orangewhiteblood @ May 9 said:
Still doesn't prove a thing.
You're right. Actually, the guys I hear every season are the only racists in East Tennessee. Everyone else is thoughtful, well educated, and cultured. Also, every other venue has been able to brilliantly hide their racists, to keep me from hearing or seeing them.
Sweeping generalizations usually say as much about the person making them as the generalization itself.

That, after many years of observations, has been my experience.
(OldVol @ May 9 said:
Sweeping generalizations usually say as much about the person making them as the generalization itself.

That, after many years of observations, has been my experience.
So, you're making a generalization.
I never thought that this board would turn into a debate on racism. I have lived in many areas of this great country and everywhere I have lived (includes but not limited to New Orleans, Detriot, D.C., Knoxville, New Mexico) have these issues with race relations. It doesn't matter how educated or weathly the population is racism will exist. It has fueled the greatest wars in history and will continue to thrive long after we are gone. You would be a fool to suggest that we are above prejudice against African American's, Latinos, Asians, Appalachians and so on here in the south. The fact is that racism is alive and an evil that you must live with eveyday. With the ease of communication these days any fool can preach his/her propaganda. I blame the radio station for not cutting the call off before it got on the air. They have a delay so there is no excuse for broadcasting the caller. And Knowles should have showed some restraint, but this obviously is a big issue with him. An issue he may want to take notice of before he spouts off again and loses sponser's money and then his job.
As to the petition idea: I'd be happy to compile a list of names. I'm just not sure the easiest way to do so. If you feel comfortable, and I assure you I'll keep it private, you can e-mail me with names and I'll type it up.

What would those interested like the petition to say? Something to the effect of:

"We, the following members of, have been offended by the comments made by John Knowles regarding racism in East Tennessee and by the station's lack of interest in pursuing the offense. We believe that the majority of people in the area are opposed to discrimination and/or racial stereotyping. Although some individuals certainly still adhere to antiquated and intolerant views, racism is by no means limited to the East Tennessee area, the South, or even the United States. In fact, Tennessee has, at times, been a leader among Southern states in the push for Equality.

Therefore, we have all decided to discontinue listening to the station until appropriate action is taken to apologize to the community and/or Mr. Knowles is publicly reprimanded.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and, as always, GO VOLS."

What do ya'll think?
I've lived and traveled all over and I have YET to find a region that has cornered the market on racism. Every region has its racists. The race riots up north during the 60's showed that the 'red-neck good ol' boys' in the South didn't have a monopoly on racism. Plus racism goes all ways. I've seen a lot of comments directed at Middle Easterners since 9/11 and the Latinos since immigration came up. It passes between all races.

East Tennessee has no more racists than any other area of the country. And to group them as all Confederate battle flag toting bigots is flat out wrong and quite ignorant and no different than being racist. Nice stereotype based on what?

And as someone else mentioned, this whole region was a bastion of Union sympathizers. Actually there was a stretch from northern Alabama, through N. GA, into TN and NC that were staunch Unionists. My great-great grandfather and great-great-great grandfather were from northern AL and this family joined the Union volunteers.

Not that we're digressing....point is that this announcer was quite ignorant to make such a comment. I encourage all in this listening area to start calling sponsors and letting them know this was not appreciated. I'm sure those sponsors don't want their names and commercials associated with this kind of crap.
(hatvol96 @ May 9 said:
I've certainly traveled the nation several times over. I've also attended 95% of UT's home games in the last 25 or so years. That said, I have no problem saying that we have more bigots, hicks, dolts, and rubes among our fan base than any school not named Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss, or Clemson.

Hate have you ever been to Miss St or TAMU or LSU? Also has Gary Indiana not been labeled as one of the most racist cities in the US?

I have been to Neyland so many times I cannot count. I can honestly say that I have never heard that slur used. I am offended by it and would def notice it quickly.

There are those who are racist in all areas of the nation. How about Boston? How many times have we heard black athletes talk about Boston? I don't think East Tennessee is any worse or better than just about any other place in the nation.
(VolBeef88 @ May 10 said:
Hate have you ever been to Miss St or TAMU or LSU? Also has Gary Indiana not been labeled as one of the most racist cities in the US?

I have been to Neyland so many times I cannot count. I can honestly say that I have never heard that slur used. I am offended by it and would def notice it quickly.

There are those who are racist in all areas of the nation. How about Boston? How many times have we heard black athletes talk about Boston? I don't think East Tennessee is any worse or better than just about any other place in the nation.
Been to Starkville, College Station and Baton Rouge. Never seen anything that would cause me to put their fans in the category with UT, Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss, and Clemson. I've been to Gary, Indiana. No real sports there. They used to have a CBA team. Saw a great deal of poverty, but didn't observe any overt racism. If you notice, I didn't hold Boston up as an example. Maybe it's the whole Scotch-Irish heritage issue. I would put East Tennessee and South Boston/Dorcester on the same level. I'm born and raised in East Tennessee and have traveled the company many times over. I have no problem saying East Tennessee is more racist than most of the nation at large.
(CSpindizzy @ May 10 said:
I'm sure those sponsors don't want their names and commercials associated with this kind of crap.

I can add that we are contacting their sponsors and voicing our displeasure to the petition?
(volsfan711 @ May 9 said:
i hate the sports animal. The hosts are plain terrible

Rome is the best show on the network!!! Most of the shows seemed biased to cover only the topics they like. I mean how many different ways can we break down UT's 5-6 season?? The callers all call about the SAME things, which gets boring! The most entertaining thing about the shows all day is when Mike calls to make controversial comments. Most of the talk show hosts don't seem to have all that much enthusiasm. Many of the callers look at the world with ORANGE colored glasses. They make ignorant statements that seem to have little thought put into them. The show hosts are constantly having to correct, or bring back to reality the statements of callers.

At least Rome's show (maybe offensive) is entertaining. The show has many dynamics- callers with takes, high profile interviews, HILARIOUS emails, the smack off, takes from the host with satire and sarcasm. There are also many inside jokes also that may not make sense to new listeners, but they too are funny.

(kiddiedoc @ May 10 said:
I can add that we are contacting their sponsors and voicing our displeasure to the petition?
I would be more than happy to sign that petition. But, I would hope that it only pertains to the morning sports animals. I think that Dave Nathan has a good show and I really dont listen in the afternoon anymore since I have a serius radio. So the afternoon guys I have no comment on. But MD in the am is too much and I have tuned them out because of his attitude and lack of connection with the audience. Even my dad can't stand him and he is 26 years older than me-talk about not bridging any age gap.
(kiddiedoc @ May 10 said:
As to the petition idea: I'd be happy to compile a list of names. I'm just not sure the easiest way to do so. If you feel comfortable, and I assure you I'll keep it private, you can e-mail me with names and I'll type it up.

What would those interested like the petition to say? Something to the effect of:

"We, the following members of, have been offended by the comments made by John Knowles regarding racism in East Tennessee and by the station's lack of interest in pursuing the offense. We believe that the majority of people in the area are opposed to discrimination and/or racial stereotyping. Although some individuals certainly still adhere to antiquated and intolerant views, racism is by no means limited to the East Tennessee area, the South, or even the United States. In fact, Tennessee has, at times, been a leader among Southern states in the push for Equality.

Therefore, we have all decided to discontinue listening to the station until appropriate action is taken to apologize to the community and/or Mr. Knowles is publicly reprimanded.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and, as always, GO VOLS."

What do ya'll think?
I would sign the petition but living in Middle Tennessee I don't listen to him.Should I sign to show support!
I have received an e-mail from MD explaining that Jon apparently apologized Tuesday morning, but I've also asked Jon to reply to me with a letter that I can display on our board. I'll keep everyone posted. . . .
(kiddiedoc @ May 10 said:
I have received an e-mail from MD explaining that Jon apparently apologized Tuesday morning, but I've also asked Jon to reply to me with a letter that I can display on our board. I'll keep everyone posted. . . .
If he apologized, Dearstone should have already fired him. A host who won't stand behind his convictions is worthless.
Well, I think his point was that his comments were not truly his "convictions" (or so we would all hope). It's still a little suspicious that those words would be the first thing that come to mind in a situation like that.
(hatvol96 @ May 10 said:
Been to Starkville, College Station and Baton Rouge. Never seen anything that would cause me to put their fans in the category with UT, Alabama, Auburn, Ole Miss, and Clemson. I've been to Gary, Indiana. No real sports there. They used to have a CBA team. Saw a great deal of poverty, but didn't observe any overt racism. If you notice, I didn't hold Boston up as an example. Maybe it's the whole Scotch-Irish heritage issue. I would put East Tennessee and South Boston/Dorcester on the same level. I'm born and raised in East Tennessee and have traveled the company many times over. I have no problem saying East Tennessee is more racist than most of the nation at large.

Its sounding more and more like it's the people you hang with that are the racists. I've lived in East Tennessee for tens of years and have witnessed little racism. Why is it everywhere you go in East Tennessee it's full of racist people? There's already been a poster who said he's spent many days in Neyland for games and hasn't heard any racist comments like the ones you describe, so don't try and use your experiences at Neyland as an example.
Jon Knowles replied to me this evening; here's what he had to say:


Thank you for you e-mail. I have copied your message to both Mickey Dearstone and Ed Brantley. As far as my comments are concerned:

My comment "Only In East Tennessee" was inappropriate and insensitive. I was responding angrily to a caller who suggested the only reason UT athletes find trouble is because they are African American. This insinuation was simply ludicrous, as was my poor response.

I have been very disappointed in the number of listeners who have offered opinions of bigotry and racism since the beginning of our stations existence. These opinions have primarily been focused around women in sports, but have included several racist statements as well. I realize and understand these comments and opinions are from a very select few, and do not represent the views of all in East Tennessee.

Unfortunately, In my retaliatory response to this caller I painted East Tennessee as a racist area which were not my intentions. Sadly, racism is a serious issue that occurs everywhere within today's society. Suggesting "Only in East Tennessee" was simply absurd and clearly not thought out before I said it. As humans we have all said and done things we have regretted. Unfortunately what I said went over the air waves to thousands of people and was irresponsible, which I regret. I also realize the damage has already been done in that I have offended both East Tennesseans and Sports Animal Listeners, which I also regret.

Although from Southeast Texas, I have lived in East Tennessee for ten years now. I have served this community since 2000 as a paramedic in Knox, Roane, Union and Anderson Counties and am proud to call East Tennessee my home. Like you, I also I consider East Tennesseeans to be educated, tolerant, and all-around good people.
I sincerely apologize to all residents of East Tennessee who I may have offended by my comments.

Again thank you for your message, and keep up the good work with the VolNation website. Please feel free to provide my e-mail to your fellow members if they wish to provide any feedback about this situation or the morning show in general.


Jon Knowles
Producer - Sports
Citadel Broadcasting of Knoxville
(865) 212-4638


Jon can be reached at

*Freak - if you think it's appropriate, you might want to pin this somewhere?*
(Tienesay Fayan @ May 10 said:
Its sounding more and more like it's the people you hang with that are the racists. I've lived in East Tennessee for tens of years and have witnessed little racism. Why is it everywhere you go in East Tennessee it's full of racist people? There's already been a poster who said he's spent many days in Neyland for games and hasn't heard any racist comments like the ones you describe, so don't try and use your experiences at Neyland as an example.
Do yourself a big favor, don't ever try to tell me what to do.
(Tienesay Fayan @ May 10 said:
Its sounding more and more like it's the people you hang with that are the racists. I've lived in East Tennessee for tens of years and have witnessed little racism. Why is it everywhere you go in East Tennessee it's full of racist people? There's already been a poster who said he's spent many days in Neyland for games and hasn't heard any racist comments like the ones you describe, so don't try and use your experiences at Neyland as an example.
Fair enough. Then everyone else should refrain from using their experiences anywhere else to make a point. For example, posters have complained about LSU fans. I've never seen any problems in Baton Rouge. Therefore, those people should not talk about their experiences. In fact, instead of drawing from personal experiences, we should simply take other people's word for how things are. We should discount our own experiences and simply form all opinions and observations vicariously.
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