Scoop Jackson.
Announcers who drool over big time athlete stars and call them by their first names like they are their best buddy (LeBron, Tiger, Michael, Peyton, Phil, etc.). And I'm talking the network guys. I've always thought they should do like they do most guys and call them by their last name. It just seems kind of pathetic to me.
I echo ESPN showing Poker, Spelling Bees, etc. I know they do it because it costs less but I remember the "old" days of ESPN when they pretty much ACTUALLY showed sports all the time and would show CFL games and Arena Football games and even Austrailan Rules Football and Rugby. I'm not a big fan of any of those but they are at least sports and I would watch them over the other stuff. And granted they accomplish that through ESPN360 now but still. I used to love watching ESPN during summer vacation as a kid because you'd see a lot of different sports during the day. Now it's all Sportscenter and other shows all day.