Spring Game Attendance

Orange & White Spring Football Game :: <blank>

Only 15,400 for the 1999 O&W game. Definitely nothing to be excited about that season coming off a National Championship.

What about 1997? Peyton's Senior season and farewell tour? Only 18,420 came out for that barn burner of a Spring Game.

1998? Please, only 12,412 Vol fans were excited about 1998.

anything I can do to get you scrambling through the record books is fine by me....really, when your day started this morning did you envision looking up spring game attendence numbers? :birgits_giggle:
by the way, it's always Fulmer's fault, global warming, poor customer service, the rapidly disappearing rainforest, sagging jeans, joblessness, declining aptitude scores in our schools, unwanted back hair, and poor spring game attendence.
by the way, it's always Fulmer's fault, global warming, poor customer service, the rapidly disappearing rainforest, sagging jeans, joblessness, declining aptitude scores in our schools, unwanted back hair, and poor spring game attendence.

That SOB.
anything I can do to get you scrambling through the record books is fine by me....really, when your day started this morning did you envision looking up spring game attendence numbers? :birgits_giggle:
I wouldn't consider visiting a website that I visit every day "scrambling", but whatever spin you want to put on it is up to you.
I wouldn't consider visiting a website that I visit every day "scrambling", but whatever spin you want to put on it is up to you.

c'mon Tid, just joking with you...I thought the underlying humor was understood, by no means was I taking a shot at you. Sorry if you took it that way.
Here's a plus from having 92,000 attend a spring game.
newsobserver.com | Pack up, move on

Cignetti said Alabama recruits nationally and will "go after the best," but he noted there was a large recruiting pool within a five-hour drive of Tuscaloosa. Having recruits attend a spring game with 100,000 fans didn't hurt, either. "We've already gotten nine commitments [for 2008] and could have 15, if we wanted," he said. "We're at the point we probably need to slow down." :rock:
yeah Bama goes after the best, they just dont get them...unless they buy 'em. Remind me again, when's the last time you beat Auburn?
Spring Game Attendance Figures
Alabama - 92,138
Arkansas - 2,000
Auburn - 31,757
Florida - 47,500
Georgia - 21,407
Kentucky - 5,000
LSU - 14,375
Ole Miss - 17,000
Mississippi State – 8,000
South Carolina - 35,153
Tennessee - 17,409
Vanderbilt - 2,000
TOTAL – 293,739 (Average: 24,478)

The only thing that comes to mind looking at that is Bama fans reek of desperation..
Taking the state back over for recruits is his numero uno priority. There is way too much talent that has left the state in the past decade. Seems like Auburn and everywhere else got the first choices, and we got what was left.
Spring game attendance counts are pretty meaningless, too, unless you count them at the turnstiles.

The media guessed 5,000 at the UK spring game, but there were more like 10-12,000, per the UKAA and most fans that I know who attended.
Spring game attendance counts are pretty meaningless, too, unless you count them at the turnstiles.

The media guessed 5,000 at the UK spring game, but there were more like 10-12,000, per the UKAA and most fans that I know who attended.

Ummm so you are saying your adminstration UNDERESTIMATED your numbers? Aren't spring games like protest numbers. You always double the actual attendance because no one is really paying attention?
yeah Bama goes after the best, they just dont get them...unless they buy 'em. Remind me again, when's the last time you beat Auburn?

Now don't be mad just because we out-bid UT for Albert Means...or did you not know UT was in the mix too? As for your other statement it's been 5 years in a row losing to Auburn...could have something to do with probation but AU is a good team. With Saban and staff now here, along with probation over, you'll see a dramatic increase in recruiting talent...we may even reach UT's level...hopefully we'll do more with it.:p
Now don't be mad just because we out-bid UT for Albert Means...or did you not know UT was in the mix too? As for your other statement it's been 5 years in a row losing to Auburn...could have something to do with probation but AU is a good team. With Saban and staff now here, along with probation over, you'll see a dramatic increase in recruiting talent...we may even reach UT's level...hopefully we'll do more with it.:p

could have something to do with probation? I'd say it could have something to do with running an outlaw program that thought it was above the law. The reality is that a series of very, very poor decisions by your AD had as much to do with your record as probation, Mike Dubose? really? 'nuff said.
could have something to do with probation? I'd say it could have something to do with running an outlaw program that thought it was above the law. The reality is that a series of very, very poor decisions by your AD had as much to do with your record as probation, Mike Dubose? really? 'nuff said.

I guess that means UT runs an "outlaw program" too since it's boosters were also bidding for Albert Means...along with a few other SEC boosters. Seems I recall Dubose has won a SECCG since Fulmer...'nuff said.:)
I guess that means UT runs an "outlaw program" too since it's boosters were also bidding for Albert Means...along with a few other SEC boosters. Seems I recall Dubose has won a SECCG since Fulmer...'nuff said.:)

you guys crack me up....so we were bidding for Means as well huh? I guess that fact was covered up as part of Fulmer's secret deal with the NCAA right? It's that mindset right there that gives me great comfort because I know that you'll run Saban off in short order. If there is a more delusional fan base in football I dont know who they are.
you guys crack me up....so we were bidding for Means as well huh? I guess that fact was covered up as part of Fulmer's secret deal with the NCAA right? It's that mindset right there that gives me great comfort because I know that you'll run Saban off in short order. If there is a more delusional fan base in football I dont know who they are.

I like to think of Coach Phil Fulmer as the NCAA's top secret agent. In a tuxedo t-shirt.
you guys crack me up....so we were bidding for Means as well huh? I guess that fact was covered up as part of Fulmer's secret deal with the NCAA right? It's that mindset right there that gives me great comfort because I know that you'll run Saban off in short order. If there is a more delusional fan base in football I dont know who they are.

This came to light in testimony and was in the news...you noticed I said "boosters" not coaches. Also, in testimony Kramer admitted to notifying all SEC schools about the rogue boosters' bidding war for Means...except Alabama...you try and determine why. He did say in retrospect that he should have told Bama too. Be sure and click your heels together 3 times while hoping for Saban's departure.

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