Standing up



Active Member
Oct 20, 2017
Is standing up the whole game still a thing? If so is it more common in certain areas such as the student section. I plan on bringing a friend to the opening game who had hip replacement surgery last year. He does well but will not want to stand that long. I don’t want to either. Thanks for any insight. Excuse me now, I have to tell some kids to get off my lawn.😉
Is standing up the whole game still a thing? If so is it more common in certain areas such as the student section. I plan on bringing a friend to the opening game who had hip replacement surgery last year. He does well but will not want to stand that long. I don’t want to either. Thanks for any insight. Excuse me now, I have to tell some kids to get off my lawn.😉
Students still do.

My section does for a lot during big and close games like Bama. Most games it is just for big plays.

I’m 3/4 of the way up in lower bowl.
Just asked my wife this question, and she said we're usually standing 70-80% of the game, and I agree. Usually we're standing almost the entire time on defense and big plays and offense. We're in row 31 of X1.
I'm not a fan of standing. I don't make a fuss about it because I think there's something instinctual about it. Primates stand erect at the sight or sound of something that's unique, a possible threat, or provokes excitement of something not in very close proximity. Sports events sort of mimic these stimuli. Thus, why you see standing at boxing events with the fight heating up, basketball events during spectacular plays and thrilling endings, and so on. These days, standing bothers me even less. But that's because being older now, seeing increasing rudeness at events, and being SPOILED by technology, I stay home. With a BIG TV screen, tasty DIY food and beer that doesn't cost $12 a sip or spoonful, and a recliner, I'm hooked. In unique viewing situations, I can even use Actiontec to throw streamed games from my computer in the workroom, to the giant TV in the living room. So folks can stand at games all they want, I'm good.

Seriously, when I went to games, if standers kept standing, I just stood up too to catch the action. It was pointless to whine about it. People are going to do it no matter what you think, say, or do.
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When your fumbling around with your glasses at the game, just remember you have a social security check waiting on you at home old man hehe
I'm not a fan of standing. I don't make a fuss about it because I think there's something instinctual about it. Primates stand erect at the sight or sound of something that's unique, a possible threat, or provokes excitement of something not in very close proximity. Sports events sort of mimic these stimuli. Thus, why you see standing at boxing events with the fight heating up, basketball events during spectacular plays and thrilling endings, and so on. These days, standing bothers me even less. But that's because being older now, seeing increasing rudeness at events, and being SPOILED by technology, I stay home. With a BIG TV screen, tasty DIY food and beer that doesn't cost $12 a sip or spoonful, and a recliner, I'm hooked. In unique viewing situations, I can even use Actiontec to throw streamed games from my computer in the workroom, to the giant TV in the living room. So folks can stand at games all they want, I'm good.

Seriously, when I went to games, if standers kept standing, I just stood up too to catch the action. It was pointless to whine about it. People are going to do it no matter what you think, say, or do.
Oh good, you don't attend games.
Well this thread totally wasnt what i expected 😁
Definitely thought id see a few "I sit down when i pee"post 🤣🤣
I would suggest getting front row tickets in a mid to upper section. That way you won't have many steps to climb and no one in front of you to block your view.
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Oh good, you don't attend games.
Not anymore, to my dismay. There are a combination of factors as to why. I did mention a few, but there's more. AND since it's my money and time, I, me, myself decide if and how I will use it. I can say that more needs to be done about the bipedal whales who crowd you out of your paid seat. To the point you get relief only when you are your vehicle for the long ride home, and $1,400 - $1, 600 short IF you're lucky.

I'm not happy about it, but it is what it is. Might give in for the Bama game though.
Hated the skybox.

The best seats I've had are the box seats in the first few rows of the upper deck, if you are there to simply watch the game. Sitting 15 rows off the field in front of the cheerleaders are great for the atmosphere. But watching the plays unfold from those first couple of rows in the upper deck are the best for me.
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