Standing up

Hated the skybox.

The best seats I've had are the box seats in the first few rows of the upper deck, if you are there to simply watch the game. Sitting 15 rows off the field in front of the cheerleaders are great for the atmosphere. But watching the plays unfold from those first couple of rows in the upper deck are the best for me.
I hear ya. I'm getting old (my first game in Neyland was the Army game in 1965 at the age of 8). Not only am I old, but I'm short too. I am on a budget and the best I could do was upper deck. Each Season, I had someone pop up in front of me that wouldn't sit down, not even during commercials or injuries. I had my tickets relocated every spring, thinking I could avoid the tall person, but to no avail.

Then I called the AD and saw a single ticket in row 1 Sec EE. I had 3 tickets together at another spot, but I said, dang, I'll go sit by myself on row 1. Later I called the ticket office to ask if any new seats on row 1 had popped up and he said, "yes, there is a pair available right next to your seat". So now I have 3 on row 1.
I thank Jeremy Pruitt for my luck, as this was when the program was cratering. I'm on about the 20 yardline and I'll never give these up until I'm too feeble to make it. (Not anytime soon, I'm a long distance backpacker, so I can get up there, but there will come a day).

Edit: That guy on the left picture, please DON'T BE THAT GUY. He NEVER sat down the whole game and is looking at his phone. If I was a foot taller, it would be better but still not OK. Look at how much of the field is blocked from view. Lot's of football occurs on that part of the field.

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Hated the skybox.

The best seats I've had are the box seats in the first few rows of the upper deck, if you are there to simply watch the game. Sitting 15 rows off the field in front of the cheerleaders are great for the atmosphere. But watching the plays unfold from those first couple of rows in the upper deck are the best for me.
We are NN Row 2 and I like it much more than the lower level. Can literally see everything!
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My brother in law has seats on row 1 EE. I love those seats. I’m 6’8 so it’s great that I don’t have to stand and block everyone behind me. Lots of leg room too!
I hear ya. I'm getting old (my first game in Neyland was the Army game in 1965 at the age of 8). Not only am I old, but I'm short too. I am on a budget and the best I could do was upper deck. Each Season, I had someone pop up in front of me that wouldn't sit down, not even during commercials or injuries. I had my tickets relocated every spring, thinking I could avoid the tall person, but to no avail.

Then I called the AD and saw a single ticket in row 1 Sec EE. I had 3 tickets together at another spot, but I said, dang, I'll go sit by myself on row 1. Later I called the ticket office to ask if any new seats on row 1 had popped up and he said, "yes, there is a pair available right next to your seat". So now I have 3 on row 1.
I thank Jeremy Pruitt for my luck, as this was when the program was cratering. I'm on about the 20 yardline and I'll never give these up until I'm too feeble to make it. (Not anytime soon, I'm a long distance backpacker, so I can get up there, but there will come a day).

Edit: That guy on the left picture, please DON'T BE THAT GUY. He NEVER sat down the whole game and is looking at his phone. If I was a foot taller, it would be better but still not OK. Look at how much of the field is blocked from view. Lot's of football occurs on that part of the field.

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If you have an open seat among your three for a game, please let me know. I’m an older Vol with a hinkie hip and am still up for a game in Neyland.
My brother in law has seats on row 1 EE. I love those seats. I’m 6’8 so it’s great that I don’t have to stand and block everyone behind me. Lots of leg room too!
I can't remember exactly my seat numbers, but I think it's 25-27, or 26-28. 3 seats.

If you land up there come by and say hi. I know for sure Florida and Bama games. not sure yet on the others.

I got in the stadium a couple of years ago during the summer to recon the seats after I landed them.

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Have aisle seats in D next to students and they stand on bleachers but it doesn't block my view. Have mixed ages around and some stand and others don't. We're just there to have fun and those I'm around are considerate. I'm up and down alot. WiFi was much better last year and looking forward to improved sound from officials.
If you have an open seat among your three for a game, please let me know. I’m an older Vol with a hinkie hip and am still up for a game in Neyland.
Here's my number. 256-457-9811 Only games I'm certain of at this point is Bama and Florida. As it get's closer, text me. My other two seats are for my boys and they are working now and just cherry pick a few games.
Have aisle seats in D next to students and they stand on bleachers but it doesn't block my view. Have mixed ages around and some stand and others don't. We're just there to have fun and those I'm around are considerate. I'm up and down alot. WiFi was much better last year and looking forward to improved sound from officials.
I don't mind the up and down. It's the guy that NEVER sits. Absolutely I'm up standing and yelling on a big 3rd down, and standing beaming with pride when they run through the T.
It's a hike to get there, but we are in ZZ and people typically only stand for big plays. The stands a steep and allow for a great view while seated. The best part (for me anyway) is that the seats are actual stadium seats with armrests and backs. This keeps your space defined and you don't end up with nowhere to sit if you go to the restroom like I've had happen in other parts of the stadium.
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It's a hike to get there, but we are in ZZ and people typically only stand for big plays. The stands a steep and allow for a great view while seated. The best part (for me anyway) is that the seats are actual stadium seats with armrests and backs. This keeps your space defined and you don't end up with nowhere to sit if you go to the restroom like I've had happen in other parts of the stadium.
I just bought tickets to my first game in zz15 and am so relieved it sounds like I got actual seats not bleachers! My back isn’t up to standing the entire game. Thanks for your post!
Is standing up the whole game still a thing? If so is it more common in certain areas such as the student section. I plan on bringing a friend to the opening game who had hip replacement surgery last year. He does well but will not want to stand that long. I don’t want to either. Thanks for any insight. Excuse me now, I have to tell some kids to get off my lawn.😉
The sections that probably have the least amount of standing are chair backs in the north endzone.
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I have been to several games, both as just a fan and as a student. When I was in the student section, we always stood the entire first half, then sat during halftime, and then stood again for the 2nd half, unless the game was a huge blowout, then most people were sitting.

In all other areas, there was usually sitting and only standing during big plays, especially when UT was on defense.

No matter what, standing or sitting, it was always LOUD when UT was on defense. I don’t understand why some people on this message board think that it is important to stand for the entire 4 hours while you are in the stadium. I would really like someone to explain to me why they think standing the entire time is important. I prefer sitting. I don’t mind having to stand if people around me get excited and stand at times, because I do the same and jump out of my seat when something awesome happens. But I can be just as loud when I’m sitting as when I’m standing. Why is standing so important?
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Why is it important to stand?

For anyone over 6 feet, it’s so that your leg doesn’t fall asleep. It’s painful to sit curled up for 4.5 hours.. You probably meant standing the entire game.

My guess is that it keeps people engaged more so when you’re on your feet. I don’t feel one way or the other on standing or sitting. I just want our fans to help the team as much as we can. It’s really annoying when some rich old bore comes to the games to be seen when someone who’s really passionate about the actual game can’t get ahold of tickets. If you don’t give a hoot about what’s going on the field, stay at home. You can donate your money without wasting your time.
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For anyone over 6 feet, it’s so that your leg doesn’t fall asleep. It’s painful to sit curled up for 4.5 hours.. You probably meant standing the entire game.

My guess is that it keeps people engaged more so when you’re on your feet. I don’t feel one way or the other on standing or sitting. I just want our fans to help the team as much as we can. It’s really annoying when some rich old bore comes to the games to be seen when someone who’s really passionate about the actual game can’t get ahold of tickets. If you don’t give a hoot about what’s going on the field, stay at home. You can donate your money without wasting your time.
LOL. Yes, I meant standing for the entire game. I can yell just as loud sitting down as I can standing up. I jump out of my seat when something exciting happens, but for the most part, I sit down, and I don’t understand what’s wrong with that. I also don’t like “rich old bores” demanding that everyone around them sit the entire game, but I’ve never seen someone demand that in Neyland. I’m not saying it never happens, I’m sure it does. I just see a whole lot more complaining about it than it actually happening.

I believe that both extremes are in the wrong. Someone who says “If you don’t stay on your feet for the entire 4 hours, you aren’t supporting the team,” is silly. And someone who yells at others that they need to sit down after an exciting play just happened, they are just a party pooper. Just be courteous to others, and cheer for the team.
LOL. Yes, I meant standing for the entire game. I can yell just as loud sitting down as I can standing up. I jump out of my seat when something exciting happens, but for the most part, I sit down, and I don’t understand what’s wrong with that. I also don’t like “rich old bores” demanding that everyone around them sit the entire game, but I’ve never seen someone demand that in Neyland. I’m not saying it never happens, I’m sure it does. I just see a whole lot more complaining about it than it actually happening.

I believe that both extremes are in the wrong. Someone who says “If you don’t stay on your feet for the entire 4 hours, you aren’t supporting the team,” is silly. And someone who yells at others that they need to sit down after an exciting play just happened, they are just a party pooper. Just be courteous to others, and cheer for the team.

I don’t think the boring people intend for everyone else to stay quiet, but it does make it less enjoyable when the people around you look tired or not interested. Cheering is infectious and the games are more enjoyable when the people around you share the passion and fun.
Is standing up the whole game still a thing? If so is it more common in certain areas such as the student section. I plan on bringing a friend to the opening game who had hip replacement surgery last year. He does well but will not want to stand that long. I don’t want to either. Thanks for any insight. Excuse me now, I have to tell some kids to get off my lawn.😉
Standing the whole time is why my husband doesn’t like to go to games anymore. I guess we’re getting old lol.

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