Just watched it. Enjoyed it more than the last one. I think they do a great job of characterization in this series and the cinematography was pretty incredible. I actually regret missing it in the theatre for that reason. I appreciated how they worked Nimoy's passing into the story and making it kinda relevant to story. ... oh and that questionable first trailer with the Beastie Boys song makes sooooo much more sense now!
Having said all that, I was left wondering what the motivation of the main villain really was. Plus , I saw the twist a mile away. That knocked it down a tick for me.
Also, I'm saddened that the series has become more of a pure action/adventure driven franchise where as Roddenberry's vision worked in true science fiction concepts and plots. To me that is what differentiated it from Star Wars which is why I grew up loving both franchises for completely different reasons.
I would give it about a 7.5/10. It's definitely worth watching.