Overall I thought it was a fun movie with lots of callbacks. It is just after letting things sink in that things fell apart for me.
I get that there is cloning and other options to do it, but I felt like bringing back the Emperor and Rey as his daughter was just forced. I am guessing that they are going with Emperor being Maul'd, i.e. injured and dropped down reactor port, only to survive and show up later. They had all 3 stories they could have used to lay the groundwork to trying to bring him back (cloning, spirit of him being "horcrux'd into an item of importance- stuff used in other canon media). Instead we have a granddaughter (who the heck hooked up with Palps?) from thin air, and the Emperor is magically back/never actually left which cheapens Anakin's sacrifice. So Palpatine had a son likely when he was already deformed Palps, who was normal and made it through a time when force sensitives are hunted? Also, unless Rey is quite a bit older than Ben, wouldnt she have been born after the Emperor's fall? If so then how would he have been hunting her, unless it is meant that it was him from hiding which makes him being alive one of the best worst kept secrets ever.
I am also curious how we now have thousands of Sith having been hidden away in the outer rim, but we just now find out they exist. Before we can find anything out about them, they are gone.
Why didn't Ben Solo force ghost appear to Rey? He sacrificed himself for her a la Anakin for Luke. Felt like a slight. Of course I though Anakin should have force ghosted somewhere in there too, especially during the battle with Palpatine.
How did Ben Solo do the one thing Anakin threw everything away for, without any study? The force healing ability was just introduced by Rey, ignoring baby Yoda, but now you can pass your entire life force such that you die?
Palpatine "remote controlled" Smoke but never did that before? Was Snoke real or just a flesh suitcase for Palpatine? Given the problems with Sith apprentices, why would this not have been done much more prior to this?
Where were the First Order and their fleet? Did they all transfer over to the new Sith ships amazingly fast? I guess Kylo was more a puppet leader too, since when he turned it somehow turns out that he cannot go back and try to use his authority to direct the First Order to treat the "Last Order" as a threat.
I rolled my eyes at Chewbacca getting a medal. Better served putting that in a Christmas special.
Still think Broom Boy should have popped up behind Palpatine and stuck a broom through his heart at the end. I guess they did try to give it service with Finn continually mentioning how he had gut feelings. So everyone has the force but also the Jedi are special.
I actually did like how TLJ had Luke lamenting the failures of the Jedi. Their own hubris and corruption led to their downfall and ease of ride of the Sith. Now they are all the beacons of light again including many coming to Rey in that last second pep talk.. Of course now we know that they are full of crap too, since the prophecy is now debunked. Not sure how you can twist it to make the prophecy about Rey who actually did just end the Sith and the Skywalker legacy with it.