Im just gonna say SPOILERS ahead
Over all I thought last weeks episodes were better but this was still a pretty strong finale. I like that they were able to work in almost every side character that has appeared on the show and call back to some previous episodes.
After Callus flip at the end of last season I felt he was really underutilized this season. Thankfully he got his moments to shine this week.
Rex and the other clones each had a moment too. And its nice to have the ROTJ appearance confirmed.
And Hondo... oh Hondo... he was so corny when he first appeared on Clone Wars but his character has grown on me. I love when he shows up. His ugnaught side kick is usually kinda lame but I liked him this episode although I wish he wouldve stayed dead.
I think the ending for Ezra was perfect. This takes him off the board for the duration of the Original Trilogy but still alive. Cant believe he called in the space whales.
I was expecting Ashoka to show up in during the battles. The wrap up with her and Sabine pretty much laid out the next series.
And Jason Sydulla?!? When would that have happened?!?
Okay, just got through watching it. And...
Agree with the side kicks. I'm glad they provided some follow up with the Clones. And agree with the Rex confirmation at Endor. Kinda a small retcon, but I liked it.
I didn't care for the space whales thing necessarily. Kinda goofy, but I would guess that's the Disney showing out.
I liked Hondo in CW. He went a little overboard with goofy in Rebels. But still a likable scoundrel.
Yes, AHSOKA LIVES! One has to wonder where she was during the time from 1 BBY to 4 ABY. But it certainly set things up nicely for another post Galactic Civil War series. Maybe even bring Thrawn back? If Ezra survived, who's to say Thrawn doesn't?
Of course, Ahsoka wasn't the only one we got closure with. Maul's demise was a nice write in. Though that has to be the shortest lightsaber battle in Star Wars history.
Regardless, it was a cool series. Not to the level of Clone Wars, but a nice offshoot in the Star Wars Universe.
CW was overall more complex in the big picture. They had to tell stories about the Jedi, the Sith, the Rebublic, the Seperatists, Anakin, Obi-Wan, the clones, ect ect...
This show was definitely more streamlined to this small group of Rebels which made for some more emotional moments as the series began to close out.
Agreed and I liked it. It was a pure "offshoot" in the SW Universe connected to the events prior to Episode 4, but not impacting them specifically. CW provided badly needed backstory to a great many things between Episode 2 and 3. Especially the Season 6 episodes on Netflix with the Clone Trooper Tup arc and Anakin starting to get all kinds of possessive over Padme.
I do think it's interesting as CW started out as mainly a kid oriented show, but eventually evolved into one that still was kid-centric, but had enough "adult" material to keep the attention of SW fans across the spectrum. Rebels started out with enough of an "adult" platform to gain an audience and hold them throughout the series.
I still want to know what Sidious did to Maul at the end of CW and what he was doing the past 18 years before his reemergence in Rebels.
Regardless, Rebels was a nice tangent in the mythology and introduced some interesting lines of thought.
As for the Jacen Syndulla situation, I feel we might see more of that down the road. When it happened? Plenty of time to do such things after they finally released their emotions.
We're almost certain to get a series set after post-RoTJ but pre-TFA about Sabine/Ahsoka trying to find Ezra to help fight the growing First Order. Going to be interesting to see what direction that take Jacen Syndulla in. Will he be one of the first padawans of Luke Skywalker or Ezra's first teacher once they find him? I do find it interesting they went with Jacen, not sure if you guys ever read the New Jedi Order or Legacy of the Force series but Han and Leia's child was named Jacen and he fell to the dark side. The name is probably just a wink and nod to the old EU but would Dave really consider letting the son of Kanan and Hera fall to the dark side? That would be a really epic twist.
We're almost certain to get a series set after post-RoTJ but pre-TFA about Sabine/Ahsoka trying to find Ezra to help fight the growing First Order. Going to be interesting to see what direction that take Jacen Syndulla in. Will he be one of the first padawans of Luke Skywalker or Ezra's first teacher once they find him? I do find it interesting they went with Jacen, not sure if you guys ever read the New Jedi Order or Legacy of the Force series but Han and Leia's child was named Jacen and he fell to the dark side. The name is probably just a wink and nod to the old EU but would Dave really consider letting the son of Kanan and Hera fall to the dark side? That would be a really epic twist.
With Ashoka coming later this summer I thought this deserved a bump.
I just recently finished rewatching it and have now started a rewatch of Clone Wars in Chronological order. It's amazing how out of order TCW were when originally released.