Stewart Mandels top 10 coaches...

Originally posted by GoVolsDogg@Jun 30, 2005 3:16 PM
You not only moved Tressel down, but out of the top 10?

Eh... If he can get Ohio State to the high level of success they should be enjoying, then I will put him on. Watching the Bucks last year left a bad taste in my mouth. They got it right towards the end of the season, though.
Originally posted by cookeville_vol@Jul 3, 2005 8:06 PM
I feel like Mack Brown should be on that list. He has had consistantly good seasons over the past couple of years. And also...he's from Cookeville.

IMO, Brown needs to win a conference title before he is put on a Top 5 list. Top 10 I would agree
I said it before and I'll say it again - My dark horse for this list would be Paul Johnson at Navy. Anybody that wins 10 games at a service academy is doing something right.
...and I think I remember that they ended up settling for a FG.

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