
That's because... Well, IMO, you two agree on a lot of things in the bible thread that I don't agree with. That's fine obviously, but he's just a dick about it and I think he's an ass whole. A wrong ass whole. You're just rong. :)

most that hold my view don’t discuss right and wrong with theology. We are willing to share what we think and if you disagree that’s ok because we’re not your judge. We all stand before the creator by ourselves. My only hope is that each person goes there having given it a plethora of thought. Because we will all be without excuses.
my personal belief is that should YHWH decide to destroy me He’d be righteous and just to do so. It doesn’t really matter as I will serve G-d either way.

As far as you and I....I bet we don’t disagree anywhere near as much as you think we do.
Being as we’re buddies I would not mind having this discussion in a more private thread like the “slice” thread. You know.....without Rex.

but since this isn’t the place for it. Stfu.
most that hold my view don’t discuss right and wrong with theology. We are willing to share what we think and if you disagree that’s ok because we’re not your judge. We all stand before the creator by ourselves. My only hope is that each person goes there having given it a plethora of thought. Because we will all be without excuses.
my personal belief is that should YHWH decide to destroy me He’d be righteous and just to do so. It doesn’t really matter as I will serve G-d either way.

As far as you and I....I bet we don’t disagree anywhere near as much as you think we do.
Being as we’re buddies I would not mind having this discussion in a more private thread like the “slice” thread. You know.....without Rex.

but since this isn’t the place for it. Stfu.
I agree with ypu sometimes, but still think you and Behr are buttholes. 😁
most that hold my view don’t discuss right and wrong with theology. We are willing to share what we think and if you disagree that’s ok because we’re not your judge. We all stand before the creator by ourselves. My only hope is that each person goes there having given it a plethora of thought. Because we will all be without excuses.
my personal belief is that should YHWH decide to destroy me He’d be righteous and just to do so. It doesn’t really matter as I will serve G-d either way.

As far as you and I....I bet we don’t disagree anywhere near as much as you think we do.
Being as we’re buddies I would not mind having this discussion in a more private thread like the “slice” thread. You know.....without Rex.

but since this isn’t the place for it. Stfu.

He's not most. Roust is the same way, but I'm used to him.

Yea, I didn't say how much we disagreed on, but from what I've read in that thread, it ain't much that I think matters anyway.

And errbody can just stfu.
He's not most. Roust is the same way, but I'm used to him.

Yea, I didn't say how much we disagreed on, but from what I've read in that thread, it ain't much that I think matters anyway.

And errbody can just stfu.
I think Behr and I will say thank you Jesus and our God is a mighty God. Other than that to each they own.
My papaw was a big Christian and one of the best Men I knew he fought in world War 2 and he would tell me when I was young that he don't judge people and he never says where they are going he said he saw hell on earth and he always looked for the best in people. He believed that all people went to heaven. He said you never know people may somehow come close to God and accept him and Jesus before they pass.One thing I admired about that man he never lived in fear. And he would not argue his faith he accepted people for how they where during his time on earth.

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