Excellent point. Got this email today.Who cares about the NFL!
Q. What's the difference between the Tennessee Titans & the Cub Scouts?
A. The Cub Scouts have a running game.
Q. How do the Tennessee Titans count to 10?
A. 0-1, 0-2, 0-3, 0-4, 0-5, 0-6, 0-7, 0-8, 0-9, 0-10.
Q. How do you keep a Tennessee Titan out of your yard?
A. Put up goal posts.
Q. Where do you go in Nashville in case of a tornado?
A. To LP Field - they never get a touchdown there!
Q. What do you call a Tennessee Titan with a Super bowl ring?
A. Thief.
Q. What's the difference between the Tennessee Titans and a dollar bill?
A. You can still get four quarters out of a dollar.
Q. How many Tennessee Titans does it take to win a Super bowl?
A. Nobody knows and we may never find out!
Q. What do you call 53 people sitting around a TV watching the Super bowl?
A. The Tennessee Titans.
Q. What do the Tennessee Titans and opossums have in common?
A. Both play dead at home and get killed on the road.
Q. How can you tell when the Tennessee Titans are going to run the football?
A. The running back leaves the huddle with tears in his eyes.