The only thing that needs to be addressed is why well funded hedge operations are allowed to manipulate stock prices to the downside. Thousands or millions of retail investors organizing on a public forum and pushing back by doing the opposite shouldn’t be a concern.
WSB is also just a cover, IMO, for the real squeezing, which was likely done by other HFs on the other side of the trade as Melvin and other shorts. There no doubt were some WSB traders, like deepf******value, that did their own homework and were in early. And good on them for doing so. However 95% of that crowd got interested and started buying at triple-digit prices.
I know it is an exciting thought for a ragtag group of traders on Reddit to think they pushed back against or even "defeated" some sophisticated hedge funds, but there's no way that is what really happened. They participated, no doubt, but they were riding on the back of an elephant. We already know that a handful of HFs reported large long positions in GME on 12/31, as of the most recent SEC filing. Those were the guys selling to the WSB crowd at 200, 300, 400, etc.
Wall Street generally, and the HF community in particular, actually isn't a particularly large group of people. Word had gotten out that Melvin and others were in a compromised position, and any time a large market participant is in a compromised position a trade opens up on the other side.