As for you cjzvols, Id like to bury the hatchet with you as well. Theres no reason you and I should butt heads. We obviously love our Vols, Pistons andDetroit teams. You said some cruel things to me and I took great offense and thats why I came back at ya with a vengeance lol Hey, Im a Sparty're a UM fan. We can just leave it at that. Cool?
Alrighty, good deal! Did you even get that rant I threw back at ya? It was pretty heated..think it was the UM logo lol Are you from the Detroit, MI area? I grew up here..attended MSU my first two years of school..then transferred and graduated from UT in 2000. I bleed green and orange. Actually going up to East Lansing tomorrow for the BIG game..biggest one in a looooooong time! lol
No, I went for the drive by and never went back.
My father is from Cadillac and the family is from the Michigan area. I love Detroit and the surrounding areas.
Have fun in East Lansinglol: I don't hate MSU at all. Usually I cheer for them (I know. I'm a terrible Wolverine fan). But out of everything in sports outside of convicted criminals and Kobe Bryant, I hate Ohio State the most.
"Back in December I never would have dreamed it would be an issue, but if he closes the year with 8-10 more double-doubles he may have some options.
I share the same concerns as others about his game translating to the next level, and totally agree that he isn't ready, but when hast that stopped anyone? *I don't know that he'll ever be an NBA starter, but I've come to believe that if he'll bring a consistent level of effort to the floor he'll spend a lot of time on an NBA roster in the future. Rebounding numbers are almost always something that translate to the next level, and averaging right at 10 per game in SEC play is no joke."
-Rob Lewis
Dude, let it go! Have you read any of my posts the past two days. I said I was too hard on him and this team and didnt think about the whole picture with Maymon. I love Jarnell and am proud of him. Yes, I do think he can be soft, but hes really starting to prove me wrong. Hey, when Im wrong, Im wrong..Ill put the shoe in my mouth lol No need to keep being a dih q
Good deal bro. If I wanted to continue being a negative prih q, I could have. But, being that Im a good and sensible guy, I went the other routeWe are all going to have our different opinions and views, but that is what makes the boards great. Im just done getting into it with people, no need for it and not worth it lol
I'm concerned as well. Do I think he's ready to go? No, most certainly not. Will he be tempted if he keeps up his current level of play? I wouldn't be surprised.
I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse that we've run into this problem.
Dude, let it go! Have you read any of my posts the past two days. I said I was too hard on him and this team and didnt think about the whole picture with Maymon. I love Jarnell and am proud of him. Yes, I do think he can be soft, but hes really starting to prove me wrong. Hey, when Im wrong, Im wrong..Ill put the shoe in my mouth lol No need to keep being a dih q
That's cool dude. However, don't let the board manipulate your opinion. I have no problem with your negativity, but you're going to get called out for the crazy posts. I honestly agree with a chunk of things you've said, and I appreciate the voice that will acknowledge the good and bad of a situation. To be fair, there are plenty of things to be negative about, so I don't want you to feel like I was saying your opinion is invalid.