Just haven't seen anything that says lottery pick? Tobias was much more polished player.
He didn't start college after his junior year of hs. He also had a little more than the week Stokes had to gel with the team and get used to game speed. Although he may play past next year, with his body type and ability he has shown I don't think he stays all 4.
I think he will be solid player, maybe a Patrick Patterson type. He just doesn't have much on the offense end of floor, got a lot of work to do.
He doesn't stay past next season barring a catasrophic injury or something of the like.
You realize he's a HS senior right? What the hell did you expect him to look like?
Nobody should say anything as far as expectations about this guy until after next year has begun.
Good grief.
Also you do realize the nba drafts off potential right? Enes kanter didn't play 1 college game and was a lottery pick. C'mon ma, put down the drink.
I said he would be solid 4 year player? Patrick Patterson type? Some people just seemed to think he could be playing at next level now and after watching a few games he clearly has some work.
I think he will be solid player, maybe a Patrick Patterson type. He just doesn't have much on the offense end of floor, got a lot of work to do.