Stoops?? Really

A coach that loses several staff coaches makes me wonder.
Coaches that have not gone through the SEC Grind or Grinder makes me wonder.
I am surprise the writer did not put Kris Krinkle Drinkle above CJH.
A lot of these writers are getting worse and worse as each year passes.
I missed something but this is a puff piece for $250.
Whoever made this list must not have seen us kick kentuckys ass year in and year out. Even before coach heup our worst coaches ever managed to mostly kick his ass
Sark is drastically overrated. If it wasn’t for the big Texas machine, he’d be just another working stiff wasting away in the group of five. I would go so far as to say he could have screwed it up even with all those resources and the recruiting base that he has by default. But Stoops? Gimme a break! How long do you continue to give him credit for NOT breaking through?
Sark is drastically overrated. If it wasn’t for the big Texas machine, he’d be just another working stiff wasting away in the group of five. I would go so far as to say he could have screwed it up even with all those resources and the recruiting base that he has by default. But Stoops? Gimme a break! How long do you continue to give him credit for NOT breaking through?
Stoops has broken through for Kentucky. He took them to their ceiling. There just isn’t anywhere to go from here for that program.
They are obviously giving Stoops credit for being at UK, with its lack of football tradition and barriers to recruiting (and now NIL), and I get that.

But they give him too much credit. No way is he ahead of Heupel. Heupel's worst record at UT is 7-6 which is about what Stoops averages at UK. Talent and tradition difference or not, Stoops is behind Heupel.
Stoops is a decent to good head coach, but I never quite understand the love he gets. If Stoops truly was a top 20 coach, he wouldn't have just lost 6 of his last 8 games and he'd be working at Texas A&M right now instead of the guy from Duke.
Yes. He always starts 5-0 6-0 then we stomp them and the season falls apart
Kentucky made my list for the best preseason team actually their number one. Sometimes they even carry it over 4 or 5 games into the season. Then they play a real football team!
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these lists come out every year and every year somebody get bent out of shape. it's the same with the stadium mascot... and by the way, espn hates us.
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these lists come out every year and every year somebody get bent out of shape. it's the same with the stadium mascot... and by the way, espn hates us.
So does 247, I have yet to see an article about UT winning the SEC. If it were UK or Bama, it would be front page stuff for a week! 🤪
Clicks link...realizes it's info comes from The Athletic...

Stoops has had Kentucky competing better than they historically have consistently.

I’m not saying stoops is better, but I am saying I understand the mindset that a decade of consistently over achieving at a school is better than 2 years of better than the last 15 years when it comes to ranking coaches.
The problem with Stoops is the perception he has over achieved. He’s had two good seasons, four losing records, four 7-6 seasons and one 8-5 season. In SEC games, Stoops has had two 5-3 records, two 4-4 records and seven losing records. His past 2 seasons they were 7-6 with 3-5 SEC records. He is 35-55 in SEC games. He always benefits by playing a terrible out of conference schedule and had MSU as their permanent cross over opponent. He’s an average coach at a school with low expectations.
So yall are saying that if Heupel coached Kentucky and Stoops coached Tennessee, Kentucky would consistently whoop Tennessee?

Just making sure what is being argued here.
So yall are saying that if Heupel coached Kentucky and Stoops coached Tennessee, Kentucky would consistently whoop Tennessee?

Just making sure what is being argued here.
I think that is the true question. I happen to believe yes, Heupel would own Tennessee at Kentucky.
After Pruitt left the talent was gone. Huge turnaround by Heupel. He doesn’t get enough credit.
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Kentucky made my list for the best preseason team actually their number one. Sometimes they even carry it over 4 or 5 games into the season. Then they play a real football team!
Actually about 6 games in Basketball starts and for some reason KY thinks they are a perennial NC title contender and they lose interest in Football.

Stoops has benefitted from that over the one cares about the HFBC at a basketball school.
I imagine CJH takes extra satisfaction in beating a Stoops. Hopefully in September, his righteous fury will be poured out upon the Sooners.
So yall are saying that if Heupel coached Kentucky and Stoops coached Tennessee, Kentucky would consistently whoop Tennessee?

Just making sure what is being argued here.
No, we're saying Stoops likely would never get the job at Tennessee...and if he did find a way to Butch Jones or Jeremy Pruitt his way in, he'd be out again in just a few years.

Likewise, Heupel would probably never stay more than a couple of years at a place like Kentucky because better, more significant programs would quickly poach him away. He's too good for them.

It is only at a place like Kentucky that Stoops stays on longer than a decade and is held up as an example of something amazing.

That's what we're saying. He's not that good. Not good enough to meet the expectations of a championship program.

Go Vols!
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Stoops gets the nod for 3 reasons. Longevity, making it 11 going on 12 years at Kentucky is an achievement in and of itself. He gets credit for winning the amount of games he has in the location he is in, its impressive what he's done at Kentucky. Family name recognition.

I know it wont be popular but to me winning as much as he has done at UK is a bigger achievement than what CJH has done at UT. In a vacuum. But taking into account what happened the preceding 15+ years at UT the turnaround JCH has accomplished is impressive. More impressive is the culture they have built or better said done away with. If you factor in the social media era players get in a lot less trouble under him, we graduate a lot more guys and retain more guys compared to those who preceded him. I know it seems like we see UT players in the news but trust me If social media was what it is now back in the 80's-2010's... you don't wanna be there and that's true for almost all big programs. Players in the 90's and even early 2000's didn't have to deal with the cloutchasing and misinformed public. Back then groupies, fans etc were just that. now people are out there trying to make it big off your fall. GIven that CJH has done an amazing job and that's not taking into account his results on the field which thus far have been stellar. For CJH his problem is expectations.. both fans and the media expect more from UT than is realistic IMHO.... IF Kentucky makes a bowl that was a big deal before Stoops got there. Kentucky has been to 23 bowl games.. ever. 8 were Stoops 4 Bear Bryant. UT 56. Without digging too deep its pretty safe to say anyone that's coached at UT for more than a year has made a bowl.

My point is doing well at a good program is less of an indicator than doing well data bad one. Historically. If you can win at Vandy you can win anywhere is a fact....I you can win at UT or Bama or UGa well its kinda hard not to win there. My point is CJH being behind Stoops right now is kind of compliment to the program. If he keeps it up another couple years that story changes. Because winning consistently in the SEC is no joke
I would not care if they wanted to name Stoops coach of the year as long as Tennessee keeps drilling them every year. These awards and polls are meaningless.

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