Did we use a street agent in your opinion?

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Jan 22, 2005
I was chattin with a friend from N. Carolina who happens to be a HUGE Hokie fan.....anyways we were just catchin up with each other and chattin and then i congratulated them on a great class....he did the same to me and i just brushed it off but then we got to talking and he said and I quote "Did you see how well tennessee recruited miami and florida this year. You know they had a street agent down there didnt you?" Anways he went on to say Troop used that street agent and basically said thats why we got the class we did.....he was really down on troop......I didnt know the situation, Ive heard about this street agent guy and my friend said he heard the NCAA is trying to come down on us for it.....My poll question is do you think we used one.....I think we did.....I'm not so naive as to think we dont do things we shouldnt......when Houston is rolling around at UT with an Escalade then it makes ya wonder......What's yalls opinion on this and do yall have any evidence it happened or heard anything further? Thanks!
What is a street agent anyway? As long as we are not paying someone to influence recruits I don't see the problem. Are we not allowed to build relationships with coaches and community leaders to steer us to kids who we might be interested in or who might be interested in us?..sounds like the powers that be in the Miami area are just jealous of our success in south fla. this year.
Very old news. There was an interview with Coach TT in iether yesterdays Tennessean or KNS about this. Bottom line is that the Miami fans are furious that CTT came into their area, got Morely and almost got Phillips. This is a non-issue.
This was just a rumor manufactured by Larry Cokehead and the rest of his lackies. Everyone was mad because we got Morely and because Phillips was thinking about coming to Knoxville instead of staying in Miami. There is a guy down there that helps kids decide where to go and everything he does is legal from what I read. The kids that he has helped speak very highly of him.

This was a dirty thing that Coker, the boosters, the fans or whoever did. However, that didn't even slow Fulmer down as we still pulled down a top class. Now that UM got Phillips, this story is dying. It would be doing the opposite if we got him. This just goes to show you how dirty the University of Miami, the fans and there coach really are. I hope they get their butts kicked up and down the field next year.
Right now, this is just a lot of crap. Will something materialize? Not likely.

The problem comes from Miami's Coker and the Miami fans being upset that there are a couple of well placed individuals in Miami who are pointing some of the talent in the Miami area away from the Canes. God forbid that Miami wouldn't get EVERY single player from the Miami area.

They're ticked that we out recruited them so they have started this mess to try and discourage others from leaving in the future.

There is nothing at all illegal about a well placed individual, be it a neighborhood philanthropist or a HS coach from advising young men on life choices. If you're not affiliated with any particular school, and you take poor athletes under your wing and help them, there's no law or NCAA rules broken.

If they had all gone to Miami you wouldn't have heard a peep.

Here are a few quotes from Trooper when asked about it.

"I'm sure it came from coaches in that area getting their butts kicked," Taylor said as he spoke for the first time at length about the accusations. "I don't know, but I'm sure that it came from schools down there or their alumni. To be honest, I don't know and I really don't care."

"I never investigated it. Not one time. I didn't look into it. I never clicked on the Internet to read about it. I never called into a talk show to hear about it. My wife heard it on the radio. She said, 'You didn't tell me you hired an agent.' I said, 'Oh yeah, I heard about that.' That's the way it was handled, it was a joke."

"I'm sure they were nervous that Kenny was 50-50," Taylor said. "Every year they're going to have to deal with me down there. That's not a threat. I'm going to go down there and recruit. I'm going to go into any area I have and try to get the best players I can out of there."
For the love of God, let it go. There is NOTHING to this. It was funny at first, but now its quickly getting old and aggervating. Your friend is full of sh**. He clearly has no clue as to what he is talking about and simply making up stuff.
Trooper's got a 'tude but he ain't rude. He's got class, got sass, and he will kick thier a--!
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 16, 2005 3:38 PM
Trooper's got a 'tude but he ain't rude. He's got class, got sass, and he will kick thier a--!

You're a poet and don't know it!
Antwon Wright has BEEN doing this for years. Coaches have publically admitted they deal with him. He helped dozens of kids THIS YEAR. Most of them are not big-time prospects. Nothing was said until it involed a big prospect like Morely, who Wright actually coached at Killian High School. Every newspaper is south Florida have investigated this and NONE of them found ANYTHING to suggest Tennessee was doing anything illegal. its starting to get ridiculous.
I feel a trooper rap com'n on me! Come on, come on, Troop bump me, cause I break them down like humpty dumpty!
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Feb 16, 2005 3:49 PM
I feel a trooper rap com'n on me! Come on, come on, Troop bump me, cause I break them down like humpty dumpty!

:lol: I should have never encouraged you. :rolleyes:
This allegation, with all, just prove UT's image as the Teflon school. Nothing sticks!

I'm sure our coaches have bent the rules maybe a LITTLE when it comes to recruiting, but nothing too serious.
going back to what i originally said....I KNOW we arent the most honest recruiters im sure theres benefits to come here.....the question is.....where doesnt it happen? i bet a large large MAJORITY of good D-1 Schools have cheated even this past off season......Tennessee USC V. TECH, TEXAS Florida State "The freakin U". Ill say it once again: I'm not so naive to think we dont get by with things....with Houston is driving on campus in an Escalade ya know somethin's goin on lol
Originally posted by TNFanBornandRaised@Feb 16, 2005 2:48 PM
with Houston is driving on campus in an Escalade ya know somethin's goin on lol

The ghetto ain't pay for that kinda ride
Originally posted by milohimself+Feb 16, 2005 5:01 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (milohimself @ Feb 16, 2005 5:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-TNFanBornandRaised@Feb 16, 2005 2:48 PM
with Houston is driving on campus in an Escalade ya know somethin&#39;s goin on lol

The ghetto ain&#39;t pay for that kinda ride [/quote]
Who said Houston is from the Ghetto?
Those students can afford more since their parents don&#39;t have to pay for college.
The street agent thing is old news and a bunch of crap started by Miami and advance by the Bammer mentality and the Bammer fans, also UNC bought in it because UT is once again pulling the better athletes out of NC.
He still doesn&#39;t have any income to himself... And unless Cedric came from the kind of household to be buying him a Cadillac for college, there is definitley something a little strange.

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