So I tried this again the past couple weeks, and I gave it a legit shot made it 12 episodes.
The good; Martian Manhunter is pretty cool, the actor playing him is probably the best actor on the show. Him or...the guy playing Jimmy Olsen, which brings me to another good: I like this Jimmy way more than comics Jimmy, I always thought comics Jimmy was a bit of a t**t. Her sister is ok. Her best friend has his moments, though he gives a "Jimmy is hot vibe" more than a "I like girls vibe" so him liking Supergirl is weird. Lol
The Bad: cover your eyes Joe...every episode is just the same thing over and over. Best friend wants Kara, notices she likes Jimmy and gets sad. Awkward moment between Jimmy and Kara, Kara runs away, Jimmy looks confused. Boss comes in yells at Kara, Kara tries to make boss happy, boss is sorta nice by end of episode. Over the top boss is over the top btw. Supergirl fights bad guy, gets beaten easily questions if she is good enough beats bad guy, she is good enough...till the next episode. Her shooting lasers out her eyes looks so bad, and Red Tornado...well just el oh el
The worst: Supergirl...this actress is dreadfully bad, no range at all, her doing any action scene results in her making a face like she's about to take a ****, and the worst punches I've ever seen in my life. The character is so self absorbed...anyone talks to her about a problem they are having and her response is, "before/wheb my planet blew up..." Or "when my mom died" It's annoying AF. She needs constant reassurance that she is awesome, also annoying AF.
When this first came out I thought, "Jessie Graff (her stunt double) would be the perfect Supergirl" since she's crazy athletic (check her Ninja Warrior runs) and sooo fine. But she's not an actress so I get it. But instead they picked your typical hollywood "pretty" zombie to play the part. Ugh