Survey of Doctors RE: Obama care

I'm trying to get a debate on the issues going here - he's one of the few that support the bill ---- unless you want to fill in for him :)

You won't find me filling in. Sorry, I don't have the energy to have a VBH debate today. :)

...beside the fact that I don't agree with the bill.
You won't find me filling in. Sorry, I don't have the energy to have a VBH debate today. :)

wise choice. I'm on Spring Break and it's cloudy and cold out. I have plenty of time for Internet research and mind-numbingly long posts to make minor points :whistling:
Do you really believe this is a good bill?

Actually, I would like to see a single payer system. For profit health insurance is a bad idea because the first responsibility of any company is to make money for it's shareholders......not really conducive to making the best decisions regarding what may or may not be covered.

People freak out at the thought of "some government bureaucrat" making choices regarding what's covered and not covered. That already happens now, it's just done by a corporate bureaucrat who's goal is to maximize profit for the company.

/quick and dirty answer
Actually, I would like to see a single payer system. For profit health insurance is a bad idea because the first responsibility of any company is to make money for it's shareholders......not really conducive to making the best decisions regarding what may or may not be covered.

People freak out at the thought of "some government bureaucrat" making choices regarding what's covered and not covered. That already happens now, it's just done by a corporate bureaucrat who's goal is to maximize profit for the company.

/quick and dirty answer

You forget the profit incentive - competition and profits also drive innovation and efficiency.

Further, while the responsibility for for-profits may be to grow/protect shareholder wealth, most companies recognize that the pathway to doing that over time is through satisfying and retaining customers. Continually screwing customers does not lead to shareholder wealth.

Some simple regulatory changes (loosening some, tightening others) can solve many if not most of the problems with health insurance abuses and maintain individuals' rights rather than passing all decision making to the government.
not really conducive to making the best decisions regarding what may or may not be covered.

you aren't really believing this garbage about the insurance companies turning down payment for needed procedures are you? do you actually know anyone this has happened to? spending billions to protect the less than 1% of white trash idiots who buy door to door policies is not a great cost/reward relationship.
you aren't really believing this garbage about the insurance companies turning down payment for needed procedures are you? do you actually know anyone this has happened to? spending billions to protect the less than 1% of white trash idiots who buy door to door policies is not a great cost/reward relationship.

I saw the Rainmaker and Bobby Joe was flatly denied 5 times.
you aren't really believing this garbage about the insurance companies turning down payment for needed procedures are you? do you actually know anyone this has happened to? spending billions to protect the less than 1% of white trash idiots who buy door to door policies is not a great cost/reward relationship.

Seriously? You don't think this happens? What about denying coverage completely based on bogus pre-existing conditions?

California's Real Death Panels: Insurers Deny 21% of Claims

Tips to effectively battle your insurance company -
cancer diagnosis one insurance the's an American right!
you guys just don't get it. doctors are the problem. they already make too much money. the important people in this country are the poor and middle class union workers. doctors just take from the poor.

Ha, you don't get it either! Evidently by regulating insurance companies and shifting more health services through the government this will make doctors want to charge less. Brilliant plan by the Bam.
Yeah, just because we don't want the gov't running healthcare means we don't want to treat people with cancer!









We know how you truly feel, Farmer Fran.
My mom died of cancer....I donate 25K a year for research......yea.....I don't care
Hope it is going toward the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.......

The gov't doesn't have their blood sucking tentacles around them........

part does yes...great organization
majority goes to Huntsman
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