Taking my mother to the game tomorrow

Hope you have a great time. I've been lucky enough to attend games with my parents for the past few seasons and it creates a lot of memories.
brought a tear to my eye. My mom/dad were HUGE Vols fans. I was in the band and where ever we marched (home or away) they were always in the stands. Many great memories over the years. Lost my dad in 1999. Still took mom to the games and she loved them. She really loved homecoming to see her son and 6 grandchildren all on the field at the same with the Alumni Band. Lost my mom in 2009. It's still not the same with them not there....but have AWESOME memories. I know they'll be watching from above tonight! GO VOLS!!!!
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This is great. I absolutely relate to your story in so many ways. Good for you helping your mom find joy again! She will have a blast!
Taking my mom with me to the game tomorrow. It's her first time ever at Neyland. My dad left us a year ago and she's had a really rough time with it. I can't wait to show her the Vol Walk, Neyland, and let her experience all the other traditions that I've fallen in love with. She's really excited about it and I can't wait to see her have fun again!

Just wanted to share with my Vol family, this is just one of the reasons I love Vol football. It brings family together to forget the crap in life and have a good time. Enjoy the game tomorrow, friends. I know I will.

You're a heck of a son. I know I need say nothing more, but being a loudmouth, here goes. Make the day great for the fine lady! After the game take her some really nice place for a great meal and just let her know she's not only a great mom but the greatest one that ever walked the planet in the past, in the present, or any mom as yet unborn. :good!:
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