Yall realize how bizarro world backwards this is, right???
You realize that after 20 years, over 2000 dead warriors, $2 trillion wasted, our country completely humiliated.....
That BIDEN ignoring his military leaders and everyone else managed to SCREW this very last task up SO incredibly bad that WE....the most powerful military Earth has known in this epoch....are being WARNED by an amateur group of goatferkers which are 70% illiterate and deeply, deeply inbred that WE will have to deal with THEIR consequences???????????????
What in the oral history of the word "F@¿K " could ever make this happen???
Biden. This is like my 13yo daughter telling me that if I dont hurry up and cut the grass....SHE is gonna take it out my AZZ!!!
The Taliban just WARNED the United States of America. If EVER in some alternate reality a REAL man was President and yet we somehow got in this position....HE would get everyone out 31st and on Sept 1st launch the largest US bombing campaign since Linebacker 2 in Viet Nam. Level every single structure that contained any weapons at all....destroy every runway and standing building at Bagram air field, firebomb all of the poppy fields, destroy every single thing we possibly could that did not contain regular Afghan citizens. Every damn thing.
Then hold a press conference live on all the networks and let the Taliban and ANY other organization or country know that NOBODY threatens and warns the United States of America. WE are the big swinging dick of planet Earth and they better damn know it.
Still shaking my head...furious.
This is like if I was in the front yard with my wife and kids and the neighbors retarded sexually deviant 8 year old son called me over to the fence to SCREAM at me in front of the whole world that i had better be back inside the house in 10 minutes or HE was gonna KNOCK ME the EFF OUT!!!!....
...and me,(,Biden) a grown man...just saying to him " Yessir, little Timmy. Will do."