(author's note: I just realized that it's been 8 weeks of me doing these threads, and I'm kinda astonished that nobody's told me to knock it off yet. I'll keep doing 'em as long as y'all will have me.)
This thread's been one of those that's been banging around in my head since I started this thing. I think all of us here have that one particular game that stands out in our memory. Whether it's inside our beloved Neyland; or at one of the lesser stadiums that our opponents call home, any chance to watch a Tennessee football game is a welcome experience.
My personal favorite game I've ever been in attendance for took place on Saturday, October 26, 1996. The hated, despised, and reviled Crimson Tide came into town #1 in the nation and touting the nation's #1 defense. 17-year-old DeusExMachina was firmly entrenched in Section V and watched an absolute slugfest for 57 minutes and change. I thought, like many others, that we were going to get extra football that day.....but Jay Graham had other ideas. To date, the noise on that 79-yard run is the absolute loudest I've ever personally heard Neyland. I legitimately thought that the stadium was going to come down.....but as always, it didn't. There was a bit of a scare shortly thereafter, but our Vols showed the Tide that they weren't the only ones that could play defense.
So let's hear it. Talk to us about your personal favorite Tennessee game (home or away, doesn't matter) that you attended. Oh, and if you were at the National Championship or the Miracle at South Bend game.....that's just showing off, hahahahahahaha.