Tax firm Mazars fires Trump Organization as client, says former president’s financial statements are unreliable

“We will use every area of the law to investigate President Trump and his business transactions and that of his family as well,” James said in a recent interview with NBC News. “We want to investigate anyone in his orbit who has, in fact, violated the law.”

She stated that without proof or evidence of laws broken.
From your earlier link:
First, there are various allegations of tax dodging reported by the New York Times in October. Law&Crime singled out some of the alleged illegality in a capsule summary of the Times massive tax exposé:
The second issue James aims to investigate is the matter of Trump and his family businesses receiving more than $1 billion in subsidies from New York City taxpayers over the years. Again, the New York Times:
Third, James plans to continue an ongoing civil lawsuit against–and concomitant investigation into–the Donald J. Trump Foundation begun by her predecessor.
Rounding out her top five Trump-oriented priorities, James has also promised parallel state investigations of the June 2016 Trump Tower confab with a Russian and a hard look into whether Trump’s New York business are in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Emoluments Clause.

In service of those final two goals, James is pushing for a revision to New York State’s double jeopardy laws which could allow her office to prosecute Trump-oriented individuals who might be pardoned for their federal crimes–if they also committed such crimes in New York.
From your earlier link:
First, there are various allegations of tax dodging reported by the New York Times in October. Law&Crime singled out some of the alleged illegality in a capsule summary of the Times massive tax exposé:
The second issue James aims to investigate is the matter of Trump and his family businesses receiving more than $1 billion in subsidies from New York City taxpayers over the years. Again, the New York Times:
Third, James plans to continue an ongoing civil lawsuit against–and concomitant investigation into–the Donald J. Trump Foundation begun by her predecessor.
Rounding out her top five Trump-oriented priorities, James has also promised parallel state investigations of the June 2016 Trump Tower confab with a Russian and a hard look into whether Trump’s New York business are in violation of the U.S. Constitution’s Emoluments Clause.

In service of those final two goals, James is pushing for a revision to New York State’s double jeopardy laws which could allow her office to prosecute Trump-oriented individuals who might be pardoned for their federal crimes–if they also committed such crimes in New York.

Subsidies are a crime? Lmfao she’s pushing to overturn double jeopardy laws too. Everyone should take issue with that.
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Yes, that is exactly what it means.

So you/they want us to believe that a highly respected international auditing firm wasn't able to detect irregularities within the Trump org financials for 10-15 years?
Subsidies are a crime? Lmfao she’s pushing to overturn double jeopardy laws too. Everyone should take issue with that.
She's trying to compensate for Trump's stated willingness to pardon anyone who would have dirt on him.
That's what everyone should have taken issue with.
She's trying to compensate for Trump's stated willingness to pardon anyone who would have dirt on him.
That's what everyone should have taken issue with.

You mean the thing we were told might occur and then never really did? The entire thing is a joke. She was bringing up previous issues from the 1990s
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What is so bad about this that you believe we should continue the witch hunt and even apply it to others? Do you want to get those dirty dopers too?
Going after those who break the law isn't a witch hunt, its justice. Just like all those who used stated income loans to obtain fraudulent mortgages but hey everyone was doing it.
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Do you even know that stated income loans were legal and encouraged? Same thing goes for estimating the value of property. You overestimate for loans or net worth, and you underestimate for taxes. The only fraud here is the attorney in NY acting like this is an issue. If you don't like the process, reform the IRS.
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You must’ve missed my taco truck post. If I use the same numbers used to evaluate Tesla (over 120x earnings) I could reasonably call it a 2.5 million dollar business.

If I use book value I would probably call it a 50k dollar business.

So what was unreasonable here?
Tesla and taco truck. Seems reasonable...
It’s funny that some people seem to think Mazars is like an H&R Block for big companies. Plop down some numbers for them and they fill out the forms!
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Going after those who break the law isn't a witch hunt, its justice. Just like all those who used stated income loans to obtain fraudulent mortgages but hey everyone was doing it.

It’s a witch-hunt 100% to go after someone for a subjective crime. When your home is appraised do you believe that’s an objective or subjective value?

I’ll give you an example. My last home appraised for the exact value I purchased it for and then again for the exact value I sold it for. Coincidence or subjective?
Tesla and taco truck. Seems reasonable...

Do you believe it’s reasonable to tax Elon Musk not based on the money he earns but on a valuation of 126x the earnings of his company?

Do you believe any company is worth 126x their earnings, taco truck, Tesla, any company?
Do you understand what they are saying? They are admitting incompetence at best or being an accomplice to fraud at worst. Either way that firm is ****ed.

GIGO. If you don't know the acronym, you should.
So we agree it’s a petty nonsense crime? If the best you can do is compare it to speeding, I’m not impressed.

If you spend years investigating the man and a speeding ticket is all you get, you’ve failed


Lawdy. Speeding was an analogy, not a measure of the potential crime.
You're clueless.
"We have come to this conclusion based, in part, upon the filings made by the New York Attorney General on January 18, 2022, ..............

You get so defensive when your stance is proven wrong.
Do you believe it’s reasonable to tax Elon Musk not based on the money he earns but on a valuation of 126x the earnings of his company?

Do you believe any company is worth 126x their earnings, taco truck, Tesla, any company?
Nobody should be taxed on a valuation or a companies worth. I never stated anything about a wealth tax. However, if I on purpose claim a large loss which can cause a positive gain on my tax situation I'd have issue with that. The tax code is all kinds of messed up but thats what happens when you get attorneys qnd politicians involved.l who are doing everything they can to help themselves.

Lawdy. Speeding was an analogy, not a measure of the potential crime.

Let’s talk about the measure of the potential crime. He’s not being sued by any of these banks who you believe he misrepresented his assets to, correct? Because if there is a victim here you could make an argument the lenders would be. Yet none of them took issue.

So who’s the victim here?
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Nobody should be taxed on a valuation or a companies worth. I never stated anything about a wealth tax. However, if I on purpose claim a large loss which can cause a positive gain on my tax situation I'd have issue with that. The tax code is all kinds of messed up but thats what happens when you get attorneys qnd politicians involved.l who are doing everything they can to help themselves.

This isn’t about someone claiming a loss. It’s about a subjective valuation. Correct?
"We have come to this conclusion based, in part, upon the filings made by the New York Attorney General on January 18, 2022, ..............

You get so defensive when your stance is proven wrong.

My stance has not been proven wrong. This firm has just admitted it's incompetence. One of the most highly respected auditing/accounting firms couldn't find irregularities, fraud ext but a lowly government functionary that couldn't get a job at that firm did?

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