Tax Foundation Biden Tax Plan Report: GDP drop of 1.62%

Stop it, no, of course not.

Inhibit it, slow it down, reduce the spread. Absolufickinglutely, yes he could have. But he worried how it would make him look. And the further down the road of denial he went, the more he had to double down and deny it even more.

Bird flu infected almost 60 mil 2009? Did you attack obama? Did you even know anything about it? Or how many people were infected. I bet you didn't
Stop it, no, of course not.

Inhibit it, slow it down, reduce the spread. Absolufickinglutely, yes he could have. But he worried how it would make him look. And the further down the road of denial he went, the more he had to double down and deny it even more.
“It’s the economy, stupid”
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Lol, you blaming Trump for the spread of covid is like blaming him for the regular flu. It's just stupid. To say trump could have stopped it. Just like masks stops covid.

Harris is going to raise taxes when Americans need to keep their money the most. This is what socialists do.

It's fun watching you misinterpret almost every statement and then formulate points to arguments no one is having.
Taxing everyone more. Taxing corporations more. Screwing with peoples 401ks. Higher gas prices. Robbing people of their inheritance. Sounds like the recipe for a booming economy and great job growth. I’m sure I left a ton out.
Taxing everyone more. Taxing corporations more. Screwing with peoples 401ks. Higher gas prices. Robbing people of their inheritance. Sounds like the recipe for a booming economy and great job growth. I’m sure I left a ton out.

Eliminating the step-up in basis of assets to fair market value at death is the most significant and radical tax proposal Biden has made. May be a good thread topic early next year.
Except that my point is that the premise for BOTH the lower GDP rate and for lower tax revenues is that the effects of the pandemic caused them to go back and re-run the numbers they had done before. It is when the effects of the pandemic are taken into account that we see lower GDP and therefore also lower tax revenues.

You guys tried the same trickery with Obama. Tried to saddle him with the effects of the Great Recession he inherited and made every effort you could to give the appearance (false) that it was his policies causing the downturn he inherited. Won't let you do that to Biden. Every time you try to pin on Biden some negative economic news, you need to include in the assessment what effect the pandemic had on that and, consequently, what might have been done under Trump and the GOP to avoid it.
So a leftist always has an excuse for the economic trash they throw out... Got it. Butt boy had one and now SlowJoe will... Must be nice
Taxing everyone more. Taxing corporations more. Screwing with peoples 401ks. Higher gas prices. Robbing people of their inheritance. Sounds like the recipe for a booming economy and great job growth. I’m sure I left a ton out.
Looks like you left out a ton of blue font
you realize the impact on GDP is comparing the Biden tax plan vs staying the course - the Covid impact hits both projections leaving the difference in GDP as a result of the tax plan. It's called comparative analysis.

if anything, Biden benefits from the Covid impact since the recovery has already started. he doesnt realize this.

You went so over his head you might as well be a plane at cruising altitude.
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