Stay on your damn feet today, people! Not too worried about the students, but the way TBA doesn't surround the court with students (dumb) means the blue hairs need to step their game up.
On that note, I hate that we would rather sell those tickets than put students around one side of the Tommy Bowl...
I remember my senior year (07/08) that there were talks of putting the student section on like the first 5-10 rows of the whole court. Personally I think this is a great idea. Obviously the talks were just rumors or never amounted to anything though.
That would be cool, but i think they should just give one side to students and the other side/2 ends to the rest.
I think the first 10-15 rows on one sideline should be student I do see the issue though. Some games students don't show up, there's games where there's 100 max, it's rare, but it happens. So what do you do in this instances leave a sideline blank or sell those tickets to the public?