1. LOL at the idea of made 3-pt FGs not being a major stat, unless your selective idea of major is limited to PPG, RPG, and APG.
2. You are moving the goalposts. First it was bench player. Now it's top 6 in minutes. FWIW, 20 MPG would have been good for 6th in minutes played last year, and almost every year Barnes has coached at Tennessee. That only increases if Pons leaves, which will make this a moot point, as EJA will almost assuredly be a starter. As it is, he is going to receive the bulk of minutes behind Fulk and Pons, and I'm willing to bet you see a much more even distribution of minutes next year if Pons returns. Excluding Turner, we had 5 guys average 30+ mpg. I'd be willing to bet the distribution next year looks much closer to what it did in 2017-18 when we had no one average 30 mpg.
3. I didn't say or even suggest that Fulk's scoring is going to go up. I said he would be relied upon to shoulder the majority of the scoring in the paint amongst the post players. In other words, as opposed to Anosike, whose primary responsibility will be rebounding. How does that statement affect our guards or vice-versa?