Ted Wheller just said he's concerned about violence in Oregon from...

Honestly, I just have to hope that Biden is far enough ahead tonight that the nail in the coffin of later counted mail in ballots reconfirming his W is just an echo. If Trump can find a way to mass disenfranchise people to steal the election, I am afraid not just that he'll do it, but that he and his camp will mobilize violence to support that effort.
Yeah, me and the boys are ready for the word. Cocked and loaded, cattle bumpers mounted, spotlights charged sitting in a field in the middle of Delaware.
Honestly, I just have to hope that Biden is far enough ahead tonight that the nail in the coffin of later counted mail in ballots reconfirming his W is just an echo. If Trump can find a way to mass disenfranchise people to steal the election, I am afraid not just that he'll do it, but that he and his camp will mobilize violence to support that effort.
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Getting ugly in Portland right now. The National Guard has been ordered in
Trump caravans in Texas provoking the Biden bus and attacking a car associated with it; Trump caravan in NYC blocking traffic; heavily armed Trump malitia loons in Michigan plotting to kidnap the governor; delusional teens with guns going to confront protestors in several places, resulting in violence and death.

I could go on. But of course there are very good people on both sides. As you know.

Please though, go on. Enlighten us with tales of cities boarding up out of fear of Republican protestors. Regale us with tales of violent right wing uprisings in cities across that country that lead to murder, arson, destruction of property, and anarchy. I mean I get trucks with Trump flags are horrifying to you people just like any other American iconography your fragile emotional selves find offensive but surely you have tales of Republican violence destroying cities right? Causing record murder rates as well, right?

And blocking traffic? When did you suddenly become concerned with that? lol

Please though, go on. Enlighten us with tales of cities boarding up out of fear of Republican protestors. Regale us with tales of violent right wing uprisings in cities across that country that lead to murder, arson, destruction of property, and anarchy. I mean I get trucks with Trump flags are horrifying to you people just like any other American iconography your fragile emotional selves find offensive but surely you have tales of Republican violence destroying cities right? Causing record murder rates as well, right?

And blocking traffic? When did you suddenly become concerned with that? lol

Its Trumpsters out there attempting to intimidate elections workers in Arizona right now. Which is doubly hilarious because Trump wants those votes counted! Freaking morons.
Why wouldn't the rioters take to the streets? The Dems made sure nothing would happen to them the 1st go around. Now that there's a pretty good chance the Dems win the White House it only makes sense to keep the riots going. This is what happens when city leaders focus on the wrong issues and letting violence, vandalism, & chaos go unpunished.

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