Tempered expectations


That's laughable.

Yes it was an exaggeration. However that was a very VERY good App State team that went on to win the FCS Championship. Armante Edwards was a hell of a QB and athlete. They had 3 players off that team drafted to the NFL (for an FCS team that's a lot).
I've seen a lot of folks on here lately talking about doom and gloom or having an unreasonable expectation for this team simply because it's not Dooley coaching this team. Let's be realistic for a moment. We have decent talent but we aren't in a position to compete with the Oregon's or Alabama's of the world and frankly we lag behind a lot of schools in the SEC(albeit not that far). That being said, I saw a disciplined team Saturday that didn't make any glaring mistakes, we had no penalties and we didn't put the ball on the ground. That's about all you can take away from the AP game and its encouraging, does that mean 9 wins? No, but it does seem to indicate that the team is heading in the right direction, which should be good enough to get us bowl eligible and that's all any of us should be worried about. It's going to be fun watching this team progress, that does mean there will be hiccups along the way, but enjoy it because there really isn't anywhere to go but up.
This is how its going to be till 2015, it will take coach at least 2 years on the recruiting trail to catch up the talent level with the top 6 to 8 in the SEC, we need to sit back and enjoy watching the colt turn into a Horse.:)
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No intelligent person things App State can beat Michigan. Oh wait...

Big difference. There were plenty if reasons to overlook ASU. No one overlooks UT. Michigan was already having problems. Oregon is a well oiled machine.
So if the Vols lose they are doing what the fan base expects them to do . Everyone is aware of the past and present circumstances, but their is no reason to throw the towel in. You will not see a post from me predicting our team to lose, b/c that is the culture CBJ & CO. are working hard to change. I expect Tennessee to win every game, and that ain't sunshine pumping ! :yes:
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So if the Vols lose they are doing what the fan base expects them to do . Everyone is aware of the past and present circumstances, but their is no reason to throw the towel in. You will not see a post from me predicting our team to lose, b/c that is the culture CBJ & CO. are working hard to change. I expect Tennessee to win every game, and that ain't sunshine pumping ! :yes:

Wished I could be where you are.
Thanks, Dooley!
It will be interesting to see how this team handles the bad times....getting behind in a game or having an opposing team make a big play. This is where Dooley's teams failed, and I'm hoping to see this team continue to fight even when the chips are down. 4 full quarters of play no matter what.
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So if the Vols lose they are doing what the fan base expects them to do . Everyone is aware of the past and present circumstances, but their is no reason to throw the towel in. You will not see a post from me predicting our team to lose, b/c that is the culture CBJ & CO. are working hard to change. I expect Tennessee to win every game, and that ain't sunshine pumping ! :yes:

I want to beat Oregon and Alabama as much ad anyone but when you look at the talent gap a loss should come as no surprise if that's the case.
Of course I am a fan of the Big Orange. I have been most likely for more years than you have been on this earth. That does not cloud my expectations.

I can understand that after the last few years.

Hopefully coach Jones can change those "clouded" expectations.
Of course I am a fan of the Big Orange. I have been most likely for more years than you have been on this earth. That does not cloud my expectations.

As far as age goes you very well might be....as an indication of my age I was in Desert Storm.
We have a /chance/ to beat a couple of the top SEC teams IF our offensive line run blocks like Alabama--and frankly there is no reason that we shouldn't be able to run well on just about everybody, and if Worley and our defense play better than expected. I don't think it's a good chance, but there's a chance because our line play on both sides should be solid/good. We'll have to be solid on defense, and Worley will have to complete enough passes and make enough plays himself to keep defenses from ganging up on our RBs.
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We have a /chance/ to beat a couple of the top SEC teams IF our offensive line run blocks like Alabama--and frankly there is no reason that we shouldn't be able to run well on just about everybody, and if Worley and our defense play better than expected. I don't think it's a good chance, but there's a chance because our line play on both sides should be solid/good. We'll have to be solid on defense, and Worley will have to complete enough passes and make enough plays himself to keep defenses from ganging up on our RBs.

Worley doesn't need to be all world, he just needs to be good enough to make our opponents respect the pass. The defense should be worlds better by virtue of simply going back to the 4-3 but we still lack talent in key positions that will hurt against sec opponents.
The same can be said for your reply.

I say let the OP "speak his mind" and not clog up the thread with junk as you and I are doing.

Thanks bud, I just wanted to start a new thread as a response to the countless threads out there about "we suck" or "omg 14-0 lol". I just wanted to bring in a tempered and optimistic view for the rest of the season.
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