I'm slowly getting on the "remove Santiago from behind the plate" train. His mechanics/reads on when to block/backhand are piss poor for a college senior.
traditional thinking will cost you games you possibly could've won if you just would've changed...well, only 1 run down...Chase is coming on...we'll see...
I'm slowly getting on the "remove Santiago from behind the plate" train. His mechanics/reads on when to block/backhand are piss poor for a college senior.
I agree, but I also think that if there was even a close backup that he wouldn't be the starter. Your senior has got to understand that on a tie ballgame, you as a catcher do everything in your power to keep everything in front of you. Backhanding every low pitch won't do that. I've not seen him once turn the mitt over and block one up. It's all backhands.