First - the Tn AG is not an elected office.
Second - It is his place to enforce Tn. law against any person or origination.
Third - How does the AG gain dollars?
Technical answer, but not realistic in TN or any other state in the USA.
He would never be appointed if he was not in-line politically with the TN Supreme Court justices, who appoint him, and fully prepared to take political stance into court actions.
I would say he is definitely a politician, and an agent of the state supreme court's ideologies , regardless of his stated role as keeper of TN's constitution and laws; Often the most powerful person in TN.
State AGs can effect more political change than any legislature. They can influence national law and policy if they are shrewd and effective in the state and federal courts.
And an AG's legal agenda can be a big motivator for party fundraising based on specific issues, and is also 100% political in the issues they push and how they interpret the TN Code Annotated, based on the present political stances of their political party.
It is a bit of a blessing our AG is appointed, not elected. It makes it far more likely TN's AG is a capable petitioner to the courts. I watch other states with their elected AGs, and they are often not very professionally capable. They just do politics 100% of the time and look like amateurs. They have to have assistants to do the heavy lifting. TN's appointment by Supreme Court Justices gives our AG far more gravitas than AGs almost anywhere else. I cannot think of an inept TN AG, but I see many around the country vying for political attention, but not being effective.
Has any AG stood up to the NCAA before? I wonder if the NCAA would have a leg to stand on if the state government simply said, "No" and laid out the state laws and reasons for its discipline to have zero standing within the boundaries of TN. My hat is also off to our legislators that were proactive on NIL and made the moves to enable our AG to make this stand. As an independent, I am often baffled by state rep's actions, but I can 100% get behind this.
It has been great to see a strong coordinated front for UT football.