Tennessee Attorney to be Special Counsel for Trump Investigation

Tell you what, he is off the case the same day Clarence Thomas resigns from the Supreme Court.

I thought judges were allowed to be partisan - allowed to be R or D and no foul. Because judges are "impartial" ... because they are judges. A lawyer/prosecutor may just be out to get you or he may really be out to GET you - no bias - just the job and impartiality doesn't really matter - that's for "impartial" courts to decide whether there was undue influence etc ...

They keep publishing pictures to give the impression this guy is a badass. They did the same with Durham.
"Look we got a tough guy to waste your tax dollars!"
It was already going. Both of them.

This is to deprive Trump of claiming bias by Garland.

Seems doubtful to me the 1/6 thing goes anywhere. We'd have heard about it by now if Trump involved in pre planning it. So, it's a blight on his soul and the country's institutions, but crim charges seem unlikely for that.

The question is the documents at Mar a Lago. We dont know enough. Just that Trumps excuses have shifted at least a dozen times.

The intent of this has nothing to do with facts. They think they have already set up enough to charge Trump with the Mar a Lago papers.

The whole point of the independent council is to keep this farce going for another 2 years or mor likely about 1.5 years. This gives them the ability to keep Trump/Jan6 in the news continually and go after more associates and then set them up for perjury charges. The net effect is to make Trump toxic to anyone he is trying to deal with.

Meanwhile, JUST after the primaries where Trump wins the Republican nod, then he is indicted for whatever made up papercut they have carefully constructed. So then its Trump going into the election under indictment. Trump is likely to become more bellicose and even more "Its all about Trump" and less on message - so he is even less likely to win against whoever the Dems put up after they let the GOP congress rip ol Joe. Presto, Trump gets the nomination but sinks the GOP.

Its a pretty good strategy actually.
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The intent of this has nothing to do with facts. They think they have already set up enough to charge Trump with the Mar a Lago papers.

The whole point of the independent council is to keep this farce going for another 2 years or mor likely about 1.5 years. This gives them the ability to keep Trump/Jan6 in the news continually and go after more associates and then set them up for perjury charges. The net effect is to make Trump toxic to anyone he is trying to deal with.

Meanwhile, JUST after the primaries where Trump wins the Republican nod, then he is indicted for whatever made up papercut they have carefully constructed. So then its Trump going into the election under indictment. Trump is likely to become more bellicose and even more "Its all about Trump" and less on message - so he is even less likely to win against whoever the Dems put up after they let the GOP congress rip ol Joe. Presto, Trump gets the nomination but sinks the GOP.

Its a pretty good strategy actually.

It's a great strategy. We likely would have seen a much different Trump if he hadn't been under attack by almost all of DC and the media before he ever set foot in the WH. Hard to imagine anyone keeping a respectful and gracious frame of mind under those circumstances. It's somewhat amazing that Trump didn't have a total meltdown. I've never liked the guy, but that kind of pressure would have been unbearable for most people. Too bad that no dem will be subjected to the same.
It's a great strategy. We likely would have seen a much different Trump if he hadn't been under attack by almost all of DC and the media before he ever set foot in the WH. Hard to imagine anyone keeping a respectful and gracious frame of mind under those circumstances. It's somewhat amazing that Trump didn't have a total meltdown. I've never liked the guy, but that kind of pressure would have been unbearable for most people. Too bad that no dem will be subjected to the same.

Lol. A "different Trump."

Trump LOVED the media criticism. He baited them into it time and again because it fed his narrative against the media.

His base loved it because they loved the narrative, too. The first thing he did at any rally was point to the cameras and bash the media.
Lol. A "different Trump."

Trump LOVED the media criticism. He baited them into it time and again because it fed his narrative against the media.

His base loved it because they loved the narrative, too. The first thing he did at any rally was point to the cameras and bash the media.

Look, I'm no Trump fan and his mouth overloaded his @$$. Him running again is absurd, he's got bigger problems he should deal with.
The media brought his ire and that of much of the country on themselves with their unabashed and blatant bias for the past 20 years or so with the way attacked, marginalized and insulted others way of life, opinions, education level, line of work, religion, etc., that weren't straight up liberal, hard left democrats. They took every opportunity to bully the f*** out of half the country. They just don't like that someone turned the tables on them and rightfully called them out...so they screeched like a bunch of whiny @$$ ninnies. Personally, I hope they're always called out which ever side that falls on.
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