Tennessee can't afford to fire CJP

Were stuck with him pending some huge donations from some Boosters that could make it happen. I doubt they will we will suffer through this season and next and again when it seems there is no other alternative we'll again look to make a change. I have no confidence in the University to ever make the compensation necessary to get a truly effective football coach.
The Haslams are pissed off at us for hiring CJP in the first place. They'll be no help from them.
TIFWIW...I talked to a close friend today who IS a huge donor. Difference making donor (no reflection on me as a person we’ve just been close friends for a long time). His exact words were this “Jeremy has always been a 5 year hire regardless of what happens”. He also expressed concern and disappointment with the struggles but said to dismiss all that’s happened this year (you know - 2020) would be very dishonest to the situation. I’m certainly not an insider but I feel this is the climate of the situation with the people who actually matter when it comes to firing Jeremy.

And this is exactly what is wrong with TN football!
Lost in this discussion is the very real possibility that next year's season will be affected by COVID policies. Our President-elect (?) has already promised much stricter national mandates, and large-scale lockdowns are quite likely in 2021.

I just don't see anyone being ready to gamble with tens of millions of dollars after the financial hit university programs have taken this year.

I believe this to be a real factor^^^^^^^
Ok I understand your comment now. My friends statement was basically saying barring a moral turpitude violation no big donor will commit to “buying Jeremy out” and with all the things that have happened and a very likely stale (that’s probably being benign) economy coming for several years now no difference making donor will venture out on that limb for a football coach. So I’m guessing Jeremy will be here through 2022. That was his opinion of course and he’s definitely one of those donors.
I agree that if the donors don’t push for a change it isn’t happening yet. But go 3-7 with embarrassing losses to Kentucky and Arkansas, it will get mighty hot.
All this talk of firing CJP is wishful thinking at best. The reality is the university cannot afford to fire him.

Tennessee awarded Pruitt a two-year contract extension in September, and he’s set to earn a retention bonus and a raise in 2021. He’s under contract through Jan. 31, 2026. If Tennessee were to fire Pruitt after this season, he would be owed a buyout of nearly $13 million, with no obligation to mitigate the damages.

Keep in mind the university is still paying severance to Butch Jones, who was fired in 2017, through the end of February 2021.

What really stands out is CJP has the university by the balls with the "no obligation to mitigate damages" clause. If he were fired he could essentially go to a rival most likely Bama and get a lowball salary and the university would be paying him to coach against us.

Cant make this crap up...….SMH!!!!

Ignorant post! If SCjr can fire Muschamp, TN can fire Bam'r boy! SMH!
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Tennessee can’t afford to keep Pruitt. The recruiting losses and revenue loss from keeping him will be more significant than the losses from his buyout.
Ignorant post! If SCjr can fire Muschamp, TN can fire Bam'r boy! SMH!

What is glaringly missing from all the Muschump references is that he was at SC for almost 5 years. Big difference. He was given multiple chances.
I agree, but after SC firing Muschamp with everyone in the media and basically the consensus agreement saying "they can't afford to fire Muschamp"
Well if SC can then we certainly can afford to fire Pruitt.
Muschamp at least beat Florida and Georgia during his tenure but was still not good enough to keep his job. Pruitt in the meantime, well.......
Muschamp at least beat Florida and Georgia during his tenure but was still not good enough to keep his job. Pruitt in the meantime, we’ll.......

Pruitt speaks like he only went through the 3rd grade and makes almost 4 mil a year, only at Tennessee:)
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Muschamp at least beat Florida and Georgia during his tenure but was still not good enough to keep his job. Pruitt in the meantime, well.......

I wonder if at the end, Muschamp still had USCe fans that brought up those Florida and Georgia wins like some posters on here bring up the 2018 Auburn victory?
What is glaringly missing from all the Muschump references is that he was at SC for almost 5 years. Big difference. He was given multiple chances.

It doesn't matter. Muschamp sucks as a head coach and Pruitt sucks worse!
Pruitt is 2-0 against Muschamp, has a (slightly) better record, and yet sucks worse? I don't follow your logic here.

Jeremy Pruitt:

2018- 6 losses by 26, 26, 37, 3, 33, 25

2019- 3 losses by 31, 29, 22

2020- 4 losses (so far) by 23, 27, 31, 11

Add all those numbers up= 324 (only 17 pts fewer than MC in 9 fewer games!) divide by 13

25 pt avg margin of defeat in SEC losses

2016- 5 losses by 13,7,11,14,13

2017- 3 losses by 10,7,14

2018- 4 losses by 24, 14, 3, 4

2019- 5 losses by 24, 20, 11, 20, 24

2020- 5 losses by 4, 14, 28, 45, 17

Add all those numbers up= 341 divide by 22

5.5 pt avg margin of defeat in SEC losses

In Muschamp's first three seasons, He only has one loss by more than 20 points and it took him until year 3 to get it.

In Pruitt's less than three full seasons, he has 11 losses by more than 20 points.

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