Tennessee Football and Losing your cool

I don't think I have ever broken anything of importance, but I have flipped out and made quite a mess.

Last year's GA game I got pissed at a ref call and knocked over my dip cup, spilling it all over the carpet. And at the Bama game I "punted" the kitchen trash can- shooting trash and crap all over the floor.
i broke 2 cell phones last year, 1 was during the florida game, the other was the bama game, after that i pretty much didnt care so i didnt break anything else, what was that 6 ot game with arkansas 01 ???? i turned over my coffee table in that one.
I'm usually at most of the games or in public, so I haven't broken much. I do curse like a sailor, however.
cracked my tv screen with a beer can during the Ga. game after Travis stephens busted big run for go ahead score with little time left. We went to that stupid pprevent defense and they scored the winning td. Wife banned me from watching football on living room tv for a while.
I cannot recall ever breaking anything out of anger due to a loss but I did bust my head (meaning my scalp and not my skull) open when ND missed their final FG opportunity in the 1991 game. I was watching the game in a hotel room on Slappy Blvd. in Albany, GA. I was there for a fraternity weekend getaway and I was alone (even my date left me alone during the game) because everyone else was at a keg party where GA-FLA was on. Towards the end of the game I had to get on my feet. In hindsight I should have stood on the floor and not the bed though. When Leonard made his famous butt block I started jumping up and down, forgetting how close I was to the ceiling, and I split my noggin' open.
Speaking of cursing, I get into it at a game and I feel so bad when little kids are around, I know it's wrong and all but in the heat of the moment I could care less.
I was at the 2001 Dawgs game when stephens scored then they came right back down the field. when we scored w/ little time remaining it was the second loudest i had heard it ever. the loudest bein in 98 when we beat florida, i couldnt hear myself yell, the place was shaking. but it was so weird we were goin crazy, some stranger started huggin my granddad, and i was 15 n this mom that sat behind me kissed me on my lips n my dad n brother looked at me like wtf n started laughin. oh the memories. then when they scored, the place was silent other than the georgia fans. weirdest game i ever went to
I guess it was 97 - and it was the ESPY Play of the Year - the one where the Memphis guy WENT DOWN but they said he didn't and he scored a TD. I rammed my hand through a big wooden table at work. I knew when it popped and I saw the bone poking my skin I was in trouble. Still, I sat through the rest of the game - bleeding and crying - until the bitter end. Then, I went to the hospital and had some titanium put into my hand to hold it together. After that I've never hit anything except air when I get mad at the Vols. So, if you ever see anyone beating the beejeezus out of thin air over UT - it might just be me.
I was always competitive when i played hs ball n college ball, but i swear i get just as mad and competitive n willing to fight when it comes to UT football.
that is awesome, my gf refuses to watch a UT game in any sport but especially fball n basketball because i yell at the tv jump up and down cuss like a sailor n pace during football when we r on offense
I committed the unpardonable sin that day when the Vols folded up in the second half of a bowl game..I can't remember which...against Penn State and got chased out of the stadium. I got so mad I ripped the Vols T-shirt I was wearing to shreds.

Also chucked an almost full bottle of Crown Royal out the bedroom window onto the concreete patio when the refs gave that guy from Florida a touchdown on that clearly dropped pass.
someone mentioned fighting, thats the truth man, theres only a few things that get me riled up to whip a mans ass and they are as follows:

1. Tennesse Vols (them playing bad, or someone saying outlandish remarks about them)
2. Liquor
3. Mess with my family, girlfriend.

I pray all 3 never go down on the same night. It might be bad news.
Speaking of cursing, I get into it at a game and I feel so bad when little kids are around, I know it's wrong and all but in the heat of the moment I could care less.

This is the dilemma that I have faced the last two games. :ermm: I had 3 kids all under 5 in front of me for the Cal game. Luckily, the 4 drunk college kids behind me made anything I said like words from the pope. That family was gone by the 3rd..
i can't offer anything to this thread, because i've had my moments as well...at the Peach bowl against MD, some guy turned around and told me to quit cussing...and for once, i wasn't the guy...it was the LADY behind me....

needless to say i needled him all night long....he never yelled at the lady. the least he could have done is be consistent.

oh well...i've thrown things, yelled, cussed all that....it's a real problem. and i learned all this from my mother. She only cusses for three months every year...sept-nov. usually at a ref, a gator or a bammer.:censored:

it's a problem. we know it. but we aren't going to do anything about it.:angel:
One of the first fights I ever had with my husband came after a loss to the Gators. He has never been much of a football fan, really only watches it to please me, and I think I almost gave him a heart attack when I slammed the closet door as hard as I could when we lost. The ensuing fight wasn't pretty, because I took my anger from the game out on him. We didn't hit each other, but we vowed never to fight after a football game again.
One of the first fights I ever had with my husband came after a loss to the Gators. He has never been much of a football fan, really only watches it to please me, and I think I almost gave him a heart attack when I slammed the closet door as hard as I could when we lost. The ensuing fight wasn't pretty, because I took my anger from the game out on him. We didn't hit each other, but we vowed never to fight after a football game again.
sounds very familiar...my wife is a HUGE steelers fan and last year, i went to the Panthers/Falcons game instead of watching the Pit/Cincy game...Cincy won, i got home, and apparently it was my fault Pit lost because i wasn't there...she even called here family to get an opinino on the matter...to which she decided that she would take all of my steeler garb away from me since i was no longer a true steeler fan.

you got to love football. turns every day ordinary nice people in to raving leunatics.:crazy:

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