Every game pumps more data into the system. My guess is that Tennessee is playing stronger than anyone in the country at present. You might say they are playing like a team possessed. As another poster indicated, they have now moved to number 6. They are in Elite Company!Are these ratings current? Or pre-season for next season?
2014 Pomeroy College Basketball Ratings
#1 Florida
#2 Louisville
#3 Arizona
#4 Wichita State
#5 Virginia
#6 Villanova
#7 Tennessee
2014 Pomeroy College Basketball Ratings
That's nice and all but I'd love to know what his theory is on that one. UT is not the 7th ranked team. We were not in the top 25 all year we're just takin care of a little bidness now in the NCAAT.
Ken Pomeroy is to basketball ratings as Nate Silver is to polling. His ratings are based on statistical analysis indicated by the different numbers in the columns. This is not a bunch of coaches or writers voting or a committee selecting. It is based on hard data produced during the basketball season. Nate Silver has us with a 81% probability of advancing to the Sweet 16 and a 42% chance of advancing to the Elite 8 as of today. It changes as the data changes. It would appear to me that the two of them are very much in alignment!
I've heard math explains the universe. Math...was never my good subject nor was school in general. I'm a realist and an opportunist. I don't know dick about investing but I've followed those who do and have done really well. If Ken say's they are #7, one of the luckiest numbers, I wont argue with him. What I will argue is the fact, like I said, we were never a top 25 team the whole year. That hardly means anything at the moment. Maybe we shoulda been, maybe we shouldn't have. We got hot at the right time. I don't believe in retrospective quantum leaps though.
Basically this is a ranking of how good our team should be, not the actual results we produced.
Most of the season we've been in the top 25 in these rankings but hanging around 40-50 in the results rankings.