We will have an audio broadcast, but that is all. The logistics of a TV or streaming video broadcast are just too great at a neutral site.
For it to be picked up by SECN plus or ESPN plus, it has to be produced by a participating school that has a contract with ESPN. Doing a production off campus requires a TV truck, which comes with an expense of about $25,000. Tennessee has equipment and wiring inside the on campus facilities, plus a production room on campus that performs the same function, so that expense isn’t incurred at home. Then you would have the expenses of bringing in a crew and broadcast talent. It’s just not feasible for Tennessee to spend the money to do that for a single game.
Since it is a hard sellout every year, the local group that organizes the event every year looked into having one of the Nashville TV stations broadcast a few years ago, hiring a crew that does high school football in the fall. There was some interest, but if the game runs long, it runs into primetime programming, which they are not allowed to preempt for non-network programming.
It is unfortunate that these challenges exist, but having one game that is not televised is worth being able to play in front of a couple thousand people that don’t get to see Tennessee softball any other time, and it’s a big deal for the community.