Tennessee STILL ranked in the CFP Top 25

Next years schedule is going to be tougher than this year. Are you all going to be excited if we go 8-4 again? Mizzou should not be better than us in year 3. That's the problem. Don't give me historical facts from the Butch/Pruitt era. We fired those guys because losing these types of games isn't good enough here.
Next years schedule is going to be tougher than this year. Are you all going to be excited if we go 8-4 again? Mizzou should not be better than us in year 3. That's the problem. Don't give me historical facts from the Butch/Pruitt era. We fired those guys because losing these types of games isn't good enough here.

But we have Nico and he is our new Peyton??
But we have Nico and he is our new Peyton??

But Nico's headed for the transfer portal at season's end. And even if he decides to stay, he's been irreparably damaged by his lack of playing time this year. Plus, he'll have the huge distraction of playing for a coach who's on the hot seat. If you read VN more diligently, you'd know these things.
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I think a lot of us are scratching our heads trying to figure out how an historically bad team like Missouri has suddenly launched itself way past our Vols. I thought we were doing all the right things but the team we have embarrassed for the last few years makes us look pitiful. Not sure it is supposed to work like that.
Why do you say they habe launched way past the Vols?

Were we launched way past them after stomping a mudhole in them for two years?
But Nico's headed for the transfer portal at season's end. And even if he decides to stay, he's been irreparably damaged by his lack of playing time this year. Plus, he'll have the huge distraction of playing for a coach who's on the hot seat. If you read VN more diligently, you'd know these things.

New dumbest take found
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That “ Bama every year “ has been an enormous burden.
UGA and UF seldom play Bama during the regular season.
It has cost us some division titles.
Losing to Bama hasn't cost us any division titles. You can go back and verify. We are 5-19 against Florida and 6-18 against Georgia this century. That's what's cost us division titles.
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Not sure why so many are down on Missouri. They are a historically good program and were good this year. They won the East the first two years in the conference.

Some of y’all act like they are Vandy or Kentucky.
A loss to Vandy will definitely knock the Vols out of the top 25 and definitely put us in something like Music City or something lesser. I'm not worried about the bowl game, but being in Nashville a win on Vandy is a must, hard to live with them if they win, real hard.
A loss to Vandy will definitely knock the Vols out of the top 25 and definitely put us in something like Music City or something lesser. I'm not worried about the bowl game, but being in Nashville a win on Vandy is a must, hard to live with them if they win, real hard.
A loss to Vandy is unacceptable regardless of where we are rated
A loss to Vandy will definitely knock the Vols out of the top 25 and definitely put us in something like Music City or something lesser. I'm not worried about the bowl game, but being in Nashville a win on Vandy is a must, hard to live with them if they win, real hard.

Sooooooo..........outside of a few outlier years, you've really had it pretty easy? 🤣🤣🤣.............honestly, if the stars aligned and the flu took out 3/4 of the Vols and we had to play iron man football with walk-ons and the Mizzou refs make an appearance and Vandy secretly suits up a hand full of NFL practice squad guys and we actually lose the game? I'd actually concede and let them gloat for the year because they earned it.

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